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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • I have always believed in taking bits and stuff from everyone and leaving the negative that doesn’t benefit me as a person bc I too have to adapt in society.

    And I find that while some of what Andrew Tate says has positive effects on society, most of what he says is negative and that it outweighs the positives, and his target demographic, teenage boys, are biologically incapable of comprehending nuance due to their undeveloped brains, and are therefore way too stupid to be trusted to only take the good and leave the bad. Therefore, Andrew Tate and people like him should be ostracized by society.

  • Because he’s a degenerate scam artist who influences young men to do things which are harmful for society. Society needs standards.

    Please if he helps young men go to the gym and improve mental health then what’s the problem

    That’s not what Andrew Tate did. Andrew Tate tells men that they are worthless unless they’re wealthy, strong, and promiscuous like him, and then extracts money from them so they can attend his “hustle university” and learn surface-level Investipedia knowledge from a moderator on the Andrew Tate discord server.

    People like this should absolutely be ostracized. Being mistreated by society does not give any of us an excuse to be fucking stupid.

  • Who are you to say he is a bad role model?

    Andrew Tate’s entire schtick is being a misogynistic chimpanzee wearing the skin of a man and bragging about how wealthy and sexually successful he is. Anybody who believes this manchild to be a good role model ought to be treated as a laughingstock, much like the man himself. Andrew Tate and people like him capturing the minds of the youth, or young people living a meaningless and depressive existence with no role models or aspirations at all, has direct negative effects on society, and therefore me as well. Therefore, I will continue to tell people to stop following shitty role models like him and to get good ones, because I wanna live in a society where people actually have standards for how they conduct themselves, instead of a society dominated by people like Andrew Tate.

  • Rich people used to pay the equivalent of hundreds of thousands of dollars to ride short distances on triplanes just so they could see the ground from above. That’s what this is. Soon, rich people will be going on trips to the Moon, and then middle class people will be able to afford it later. New technologies are always expensive at first but then get cheaper, case in point, the computer you’re using right now.

    Also, I doubt a corporate settlement is gonna be any worse than any other settlement considering almost everything the colony actually needs will be produced in the colony itself after the first few years and the corporation can’t do much from all the way over on Earth if the colony decides to do something they don’t like. Colonization schemes have usually been private endeavors that get subsumed by the state anyway, been like that since the Americas. I support anyone who brings us to the stars, including rich people.

  • Sugar is incredibly addictive, non-nutritious yet high in caloric content, unfilling, causes highs and crashes reminiscent of drugs, and overuse of sugar in modern food is a major promoter of obesity. As with all types of food, sugar is fine in moderation. I consume plenty of sugar. However, if you rely on it too much for your daily calories then you won’t get enough of any other macronutrients such as fat, protein, and fiber, and you’ll get almost no micronutrients like vitamins. Sugar is also converted to energy incredibly quickly by the body, which is a good thing in many cases (like when you need a quick burst of energy at breakfast time, provided you balance it out with things like protein), but also leads you to get hungry quickly after eating it and eat some more, causing you to get fat, and wasting your money. When your body gets used to large amounts of sugar it also starts to crave it like a drug user craves drugs.

    Oh ya, it’s also in just about everything these days, especially in America. It’s not even the tasty kind that comes from sugarcane, they just use corn syrup. Thank you, corn lobby!

  • It’s not just a numbers game. In the 1800s around farming communities it was not uncommon for a man to marry and have children with a woman due solely to the size of her father. Because stronger kids meant better workers. Very similar to how we bred cattle dogs to be better workers.

    This is true, and it is true that the standards change depending on what type of society you’re in. For example, in pastoralist societies women went after men who were strong and displayed risk-taking behavior because that kind of behavior is what got you ahead in a pastoralist society, while in parts of Asia, some genes which are known to correlate with ADHD (commonly known to cause greater impulsivity and risk taking behavior) are exceedingly rare because rice cultivating societies do not mesh well with impulsive risk-takers, so those people just never got laid.

    That being said, I don’t believe the rate of biological adaptation as a result of sexual selection was ever really fast enough for modern humans to qualify as truly adapted for the societies they lived in. All the stuff we just talked about above is barely just the beginning of the adaptations we’d need to be suited for an agricultural society, let alone an industrial or digital one. The main adaptations were in the form of social constructs like etiquette and religion, as well as technologies designed to make things more comfortable, and of course, drugs, all of which made people more easily capable of coping with their unnatural habitats.

    short snouts are dumb

    we in agreement here

    Also I’m glad we can joke and actually have a conversation about this without things getting angry. It’s a world of difference from Reddit.

    Depends on which community, the politics community on whichever instance it was is just as not worth using as it was on Reddit