• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • This is seriously fucking weird. “how often have you had blood exit your genitals this month, you filthy female” is not a question that anyone should be asking, especially the government. These freaks couldn’t even point out anatomical features on a picture of a reproductive system (male or female, but especially female). Like bitch, of you can correctly label and describe the function of all the parts of a woman’s sexual anatomy, them maybe you could have some input on the conversation, but even then you still shouldn’t be making other people’s decisions. Go fund some bridge repairs you vile little troglodites. JFC.

  • As a kid in the 80s I lived in a burb where once or twice in the summer they had a day where they could put out big clunky stuff for trash pickup that normally wasn’t allowed. So stuff like furniture, mattresses, old tires, etc. You’d routinely see cars driving past to see if there was anything they wanted to take. Our church friends, a family with 6 kids, would have a few ride off on their bikes and scout for useful stuff and call dibs. Then one brother went back home to get someone to bring the station wagon around while the others kept guard over the claim.

    It was a good system for giving a second life to stuff that was still good (or fixable) but that you didn’t want or weren’t able to lug to the flea market or something.

  • A Harsh Wasteland

    • Surrounded by a vast emptiness interspersed with venomous, toxic, and dangerous lifeforms.
    • Featureless horizons and overcast skies denying any way to escape.
    • A nice, quiet place to lay down and wait for the inevitable end to come.
    • A convenient opportunity to reflect on the comically meaningless futility of a cosmically insignificant existence. Also funny memes. And that embarrassing thing you did middle school.