Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]

  • 25 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 13th, 2024


  • But I don’t know if most people would have this level of self awareness; at least, not on a conscious level. I think the libs you are referring to would not be able to articulate fully that the status quo benefits them and that is enough to warrant their support.

    I see them articulate this sentiment a lot, I’ve seen a lot of “well at least America is a democracy”, “I can go to the White House and hold a sign saying ‘fuck Biden’ unlike with Xi in red fash China”, “at least we don’t eat rats”. Their insistence on believing even the most ludicrous accusations about socialist states is also a demonstration that they want to be convinced the US is better, because it is better for them and the lifestyle they want to lead.

  • I think another factor here, especially considering a certain tendency of Libs who think they’re leftist, is that bourgeois democracy actually works okay for them. Not great, bad enough in fact that it makes anti-capitalism appealing, but they still enjoy a relatively decent amount of social stability and pedestrian civil liberties. Even if we push all the BS propaganda aside, they probably wouldn’t enjoy either of those things as much in a developing world AES state.

    A stable, secure, prosperous capitalist state doesn’t really care if you want to engage in some cute grassroots leftist organizing, community gardens and DIY punk spaces aren’t really a serious material threat to them. They enjoy a degree of freedom and even some passing social acceptance because they’re ultimately seen as a well meaning if misguided subculture within the broader bourgeois liberal society. They dislike “Tankies”, partially because they believe (correctly or not) that life in an AES state unpleasant and also a serious ML Party would be an actual threat to the bourgeois liberal state which could in turn result in a crackdown on them.

  • Lying about yourself

    My moms a narcissist and actually got worse after going to therapy. She does her appointments remote and one time she was staying at my place during one. I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop but the walls are thin and I overheard a bit where she was recounting an interaction she had with my sister that I had witnessed and she told the tale in a way that made her come off WAY more reasonable than my sister way less reasonable than I recall. I never called this out, felt it would be unethical of me to do so, but it always made me suspicious he was basically just using her therapist to validate her interpretations of things.

    I imagine this happens to some extend with almost all therapy, your therapist is naturally only gonna get your side of every story, but I see how with certain toxic people (like a narcissist) it could actually end up so bad it’s counter productive.