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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I don’t think a flight has ever had a crowd crush event.

    The largest passenger plane is an Airbus A380 with a typical passenger capacity of 575. And that’s split between two decks. Most crowd crush events involve twice that amount of people all heading the same direction while the people in front have nowhere to go. And most crowd crush events are a result of building code violations such as emergency exits that open inwards.

    Planes don’t really allow for crowd crushes to happen. Every person would have to be trying to get to the same emergency exit at the front of the plane, and if you’re mid flight why would anybody be trying to get to any exit?

    Just stay in your seat and it’s highly improbable to be crushed to death.

  • I think they don’t see it because the people who support Trump and see him as a harbinger of prosperity are the same people who take the Bible at face value and are already of the belief that should the Rapture come tomorrow, they certainly won’t be left below.

    They believe in the wrathful God of the Old Testament, they are fundamentalists and they are a far cry from what good Christians can be. Should Jesus come tomorrow, these people would have him lynched as a pinko liberal, labeling him the antichrist.

    They’re not Christian because they have read the Bible and learned to love thy neighbor and become a righteous person, they are Christian because they have been told a lake of hellfire awaits those who don’t accept Jesus and they were indoctrinated into the religion of Revelations. They’ve been fed the cherry-picked apples of knowledge by pastors with agendas and never challenged the version of God they were given.

    Trumps persecution by the state and mainstream politics fuels this fire. Surely if he were the antichrist he would not have been challenged by the DOJ and “anti-christian” liberals. In their minds, his path to the white house, as a leader of men, parallels Jesus.

  • Propaganda does not have to have a hidden agenda. Literally the “I want you” uncle Sam poster is propaganda. That agenda was pretty obvious, there was no question who was behind it and it was pretty clear why it was commissioned in the first place.

    There has been propaganda encouraging car-pooling, reusing materials, conserving electricity, promoting employment etc, and many of them even had credits as to who the message was coming from.

    Propaganda is not inherently evil, but it’s important to understand the context and where it’s coming from.

  • Kissinger didn’t give a shit about the Jewish people, or people at all, even after seeing first hand the horrors of the Holocaust. Kissinger backed the genocide of Bengali Hindus, personally approved bombings in Cambodia, directly influenced the reign of terror that would murder thousands of Chileans, and told Nixon that the gassing of Soviet Jews wasn’t America’s concern. He called US jews who called for action against the Soviets “self serving bastards” and completely ignored his own heritage when visiting his home town in Germany.

    Amazing that you would claim him when he wouldn’t claim you.

  • Do you add pasta when the water is boiling or do you add pasta when it’s 100°C? Because right now the boilng point of water for my location is 95.23°C. If I were to go skiing and wanted to boil some instant Ramen does it matter that the boiling point is 90.04°C in Leadville, CO? Or do I just put some water on the stove and wait till it boils?

  • That’s an interesting thought, but I would suggest it’s the simple answer: the skin around your eyes is already fairly thin compared to areas that experience frictional forces more often such as the soles of your feet or palms of your hands, so your eyelid would also be a similar thickness to your face skin.

    I don’t think having thicker eyelids would be much of a disadvantage considering it’s not readily visible so predators wouldn’t know who’s vulnerable like they do when hunting the young or injured, and since humans are social creatures any attack on one would alert the others via sound. Furthermore, how often would a threat cast a shadow over your face before it made itself known in other ways? Probably not enough to give an advantage to one-ply eyelid people to pass on thin genes over thick genes in enough of a way to cause human evolution to run that course.

    It’s possible, I just don’t see it being likely. Like most traits, I think it’s just random and has negligible impact on survival/reproduction meaning it doesn’t change.

    I could be wrong though