Yeah that’s acceptable dig-a-hole territory there
Bind your quicksave and quickload keys
On PC these default to F5 and F8, respectively.
I’m impressed it’s only the two of you at that level. Are you having trouble finding the others, or are you intentionally going at it as a duo?
“None of the people I pay refuted it. Therefore…”
Oof, yeah losing the experience for that is rough, I was mostly using it to yeet the babies down the hole
Spider eggs are bad, for sure. Cleave and BA shove were really doing work that fight
I think that was one last protest action from the last active mod on their way out.
Good to see you here!
Turns out 4 boxes arranged as a square is a really versatile art foundation
Oh thank god I wasn’t the only one who thought that.
Yeah, while I agree with the core message rebuking ecofascism and pointing out that environmental damage is a capitalistic issue, depicting indigenous folks as the sole tenders of the land is some Noble Savage shit.
If said this for years, cars need a secondary polite horn
I love the idea!
I fully support this. This is not a zero sum game, they are not “competition” or whatever you may think, and other instances/communities have all the same right to exist and thrive as we do.
Ah yes, the joys of making a porn alt.
It’s also guaranteed to be subject to mod corruption. You think a mod won’t remove posts so their’s or an alt/friend hits top page more frequently? Not that I think most mods and users are that kind of person, but capitalism corrupts, and a lack of profit motive was a huge thing that kept most communities together and friendly, because karma was basically just monopoly money.
Oh good to know, I typically post pngs, but I can adjust to make life easier.
I heard one DM say that they let the players choose, either they get to pick a feat, or they pick an ASI and the DM chooses a feat for them. The reason being that it means that the player has the chance to pick one of the big power spike feats (GWM, PAM, Sentinel, War caster) or get an ASI and get something thats not quite as big an impact mechanically, but helps develop the flavor of their character ( think like actor, charger, heavily armored). I haven’t tried it, but I want to give it a shot some time.
Darn I was hoping I’d get a few more angry messages before someone noticed lol.
I’m playing Karlach and really enjoying it. Only downside is that the act 1 romance is limited by the whole “I will burn you with skin contact” thing.