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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I fought Grym and it did not even occur to me to lure him into the forge hammer at all. Just suffered through only one character being able to really damage him because he had a bludgeoning weapon. My partner was so bored. Then we beat it and got an achievement for killing him without using the forge hammer and lost our fucking minds. On second play-through, tried the hammer thing and he just would not fuck around with the middle of the platform at all, so I, again, just had to bludgeon him to death (but I came prepared and had bludgeoning damage on all my melee characters this time, lol).

    Honestly, it’s a neat idea for a fight, but it feels so out of place to have a mechanically scripted fight were you have to learn boss mechanics to do it “right”, all alone in the middle of a sea of loosey goosey “how do you want to do this” amazing nonsense fights.

  • I believe you did misunderstand the post.

    The post is commenting that both men and women characters in comics are drawn for men. The male characters are aimed at the broad average male power fantasy, not a broad average sexualization that would appeal to women (the way the female characters are drawn for the broad average appeal of men).

    When the woman in this comic strip draws Batman in a way that is sexually attractive to her (which is a similar broad strokes “catch as many women as possible” approach comics already use for men), the man in the comic became uncomfortable seeing it. The point is that if they drew male characters in comics with the same approach that they draw female characters, then generally men would feel as uncomfortable by it as women generally feel now.

  • I don’t think that is accurate, as my companions OFTEN say they are “just so tired” when I still have BOTH short rests available… I swear sometimes they say it when everyone is full health, plenty of spells and barely have started the day. I also don’t remember them basically ever saying it during act 1 and most of act 2, but that was around the time Patch 1 came out… I’m wondering if they added triggers for those lines to subtly convince people to spend more time in camp to progress some of the story - something to combat the fact that a lot of people seem to be missing lots of story by resting infrequently.

  • I don’t know how common it is anymore, but it definitely was a few years back. You knew a computer was infected with everything when you saw a stupid cartoon dinosaur or something as the mouse cursor as soon as the pc booted to windows… I think it was more about what was bundled in the download from scummy websites doing the damage though, not the actual cursor files. I still cringe though if I see a non-standard cursor in windows, like PTSD-esque flashbacks…

  • It’s crazy to suggest we just stop working on something because it’s good enough, because that’s not what people do.

    Came here to say this, glad it’s already been posted.

    Also, why is it that every time someone is being critical of advancements in “realistic graphics” they always post screenshots of Lara Croft?

  • Lord, you’ve gone through more phones than covid has new strains. I’m still using the Galaxy s9 I got in 2018. It replaced the Pixel that I hated for being an iphone knock-off (up to including the poor longevity of the device…). I’ve heard the newer Pixels have gotten better, but the first couple generations really hurt and I’m not sure I could give them another chance. I’m scared to replace my current phone, actually, because it’s the first smart phone since the Palm Pre (I loved that thing) that I didn’t find myself hating within the first six months of ownership.