Same nutritional benefits
Are they?
The macro and micro nutrients are different (but FDA makes a good case for fortified soy milk)
Same nutritional benefits
Are they?
The macro and micro nutrients are different (but FDA makes a good case for fortified soy milk)
How much would it cost to make a deck of these?
I can’t believe they’d make this comic
Who publishes Superman?
This is from the 2016 Flintstones comic and it’s WILD
I can see that. I didn’t mention the lack of evidence problem because the author did that in spades. I guess that’s what I get for just firing off a comment!
I’m partial to a regular old mace
Nice and simple, very swingy
Not sure why I’m being down voted so much, lol.
Wish people would engage if they disagree instead of just doing a drive by
I’m friendly, I promise!
Very interesting article
The issue feels a lot like climate change. Pollution that affects us on a global scale that will make some people immensely rich and it’s up to the cooperation of countries to research, mitigate, and control it
This is Dancing Bears (1865) by American Romantic artist William Holbrook Beard
Also check out his larger work The Bear Dance: https://www.wikiart.org/en/william-holbrook-beard
To anyone confused, they’re referring to “if true love is one in a million there would still be 7000 people in the world you could be in true love with”
This was back when there were merely 7 billion people on Earth
None that specialize in them so most aren’t good tick deterrents
Get them hot enough in a no oxygen environment to make biochar and then bury them
Sequester the Nazis
True possum memes are cooler than ones that are misinformed!
They also don’t eat ticks
Robert Jackson Bennett’s Founder Series is a meditation on Big tech and the magic system is primarily based on enchanting objects to the point where the most powerful people in the world are master engineers and the people who control them
Highly recommended
He’s obviously trolling
I refuse to believe that anyone who gets upset for someone screenshotting their NFT is either trolling or too young to know what an NFT is
I think they mean lower case m modern (ie. contemporary) not upper case Modern
Do we have a word with the same energy as brother and sister for bigender? Best I have it Sibling
Can anyone explain why we care?
I’m out of the loop