What’s wrong with ska???
There are sharks they’ve found that are 400 years old. I’m telling you, when sharks get larger brains and opposable thumbs, humans are done for.
If octopuses can gain sentience and create underwater civilizations, maybe there’s some hope for sharks as well?
I agree. These new users coming in are all pretty fantastic and will be great to have on the site
So something I’ve really noticed as I go further into official womanhood is how much more women (and especially trans women, because we have to) view presentation as a skill to learn vs something you’re just born with and can’t change. Obviously the social focus on women’s appearance is a huge negative in the first place, but I do think the way many women handle it is at least more positive than how cishet men would or do handle it. For example, when watching or reading fashion or makeup advice, there’s a lot more emphasis around working with what you have and making the best of it instead of just giving into defeatism like some cishet men do because they aren’t a 6’4” chisel-jawed megachad.
Yutyrannus is both amazing and cute. Imagine riding one of these into battle.
This is awesome work!!
Yeah if I can find I higher res version I might put it in the sidebar of /c/cute
I’m definitely not an expert (and in fact, I’m quite terrible at self-care) but I see it as just paying attention to you’re own mental health and taking whatever steps you can to protect it. Like for example, I don’t get enough sleep and I’m always up to late on the internet, like I’m doing now. I should log off and get some sleep. Nightie night everyone.
Somebody correct me if I’m wrong, but I swear the article said this pistol requires manual clearing, yet you have a cop quoted in the article saying “his gun jammed? Does it seem like the cops have no fucking clue what they’re doing here?
The smart ones would take their money and leave the US
They have surprisingly good coffee there too.
China won’t crash of course but I’m guessing a lot of related stocks (in many places, not just China) will when the tariffs hit. China would be able to adjust in the longer term, of course. But honestly idk, I’m not a finance expert so really I’m just guessing.
Kraneshares ETFs if you want to bet on China but I’d wait for the inevitable crash first.
I’ll show up and steal this dork’s gunpla kits
Classic old guy fit tbh. This is why they always wear suspenders.