-credit to nedroid for strange art

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Isn’t the Senate supposed to have a Marshall who has authority to haul people in who ignore subpoenas and the like?

    The USA seems to have an awful lot of ‘regulations’ and ‘laws’ that have no real enforcement, it would seem.

    Enough of ‘courtesy’ and ‘expectations’ for all governmental things such as this. Anything that isn’t mandatory apparently will be ignored. Close the loopholes. Amend every law and regulation with the full expectation that every person it might be brought to bear to is a slimy grifter wannabe-fascist that will only listen to the very real threat of incarceration and jailtime from this point forward.

    Oh, and give the President 2, maybe 3 pardons max and none exercisable in the last year of office. Or something. Geez, anything.

  • Damn right I’m annoyed! Annoyed they are killing each other over a stupid piece of land that their upbringing has brainwashed them into dying for, because some “god” supposedly granted them exclusive right to!

    I’m serious. There are lots of regions that could home these two warring cultures, far away from each other. Canada and one of the large South American nations, for example, or a coastal region of Australia.

    I live in Canada, and if it would end the conflict I would 100% accept carving out a home for one side or the other (roll dice! I am willing to accept either! So long as the “other side” has to go somewhere on the other side of the planet) – say, a region spanning northern Alberta/Manitoba or Manitoba/Saskatchewan, of equivalent size to Israel or Gaza. We have lots of land.

    On the condition that once they moved here, every citizen would swear a solemn vow that they would put the past behind them and never seek to return to their homeland or harass the “other side” wherever they moved to, again.

    Wouldn’t it be better for the people on both sides to have all of us (the world’s nations) fund their move to disparate regions for each side? They wouldn’t be able to bomb each other. They wouldn’t ever have to even think about each other. They hate each other, so give them a chance for peace apart from one another.

    On the other hand, if they are so fixated on their “Holy Land” and their sky daddy that they want to die for it, then fine. Let them blow each other up.

    You may be able to deduce, by now, that I have a rather low opinion of organized religion and its use as a pretense for foreign and domestic policy.

    EDIT: BTW I never said, nor implied, either side were “dumb” or “barbarians”. I will, however, stand by my implied assertion that the populace of both sides are brainwashed by organized religion, and authoritarians and terrorists are using that as a cudgel to achieve their own selfish aims, and are the real poison here. The only way to take away their power is to remove the dispute over the region.

  • Funny how I expressed the same thing a while ago and got downvoted into oblivion.

    It’s simple, people (EDIT: Yes, I know it’s anything but simple…) – both sides at this point hate each other so much, there’s no point in trying to establish “who started it”. The way to save lives is to have BOTH populations moved elsewhere, opposite sides of the planet preferably, and international laws stating passport-holders of New-Palestine and New-Israel may NEVER travel to within one international border of the other. For the next 10 generations.

    No one has to die. Moving them BOTH isn’t “genocide”. They can both still practice their religions – all except the bits that say “WE MUST LIVE IN THE HOLY LAND AND ONLY US AND WE CAN KILL OTHERS TO ACHIEVE IT!”.

    The paradox of tolerance, that we must tolerate others’ intolerance, is folly. When someone is such a threat to others, we must actually be intolerant to their intolerance. They have broken the social contract.

    Once both sides are safely relocated out of the region, then we salt the entire area around Jerusalem with low-grade radioactivity that will render it uninhabitable for generations. UN-appointed international forces standing guard around the borders to prevent anyone from entering or residing the region ever again, or until everyone forgets why they’re doing it. Make it a warning to humanity on what must happen when religions and ethnic hatred get out of control.

    I know it will never, ever happen. But one could dream.