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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Meh, lets not.

    In my experience, older people have to make conscious effort to maintain critical thinking and reasoning and not start lazily regurgitating settled, memorized opinions they’ve come rely on as absolutes, intead of allowing those beliefs to be subject to fresh challenges from novel perspectives that may change those opinions. Many do make that effort, and many do not. To paraphrase my favorite fictional character, if you refuse to change your mind, then you will die stupid.

    Individuals are individuals of course though. I’m of the opinion that, on an individual basis, beyond the age of around 12, age is an extremely poor metric to estimate someone’s intellect, wisdom, and insight. I’m in my mid 30s and have a master’s degree in psychology with a 3.9 GPA. I recognize that there are 18 year olds that dwarf me intellectually, and more commonly 80 year olds who’ve lived lives devoid of reflection, who will die defending their long dead pappy’s narrative about how the world works with anger rather than reason, solely because that’s what they were told to believe. I have pity for that type, but very little patience.

  • How would one sustainably protect/save the Jews (and all the other victimized groups) without first dismantling the Nazi regime?

    Sure you can free this camp and that camp without marching on Berlin, but if the machine, the source that propagates it and maintains it remains intact, you’re addressing a symptom of the primary cause and they’ll just build more camps.

    If you resolve one social wedge, they’ll stoke another in it’s place through the government they fully captured decades ago. Why do you think they’re actively unresolving decades settled resolutions through their Federalist Society judges?

  • Not all, but nearly all.

    Abortion should be legal and available to all women, that said, around 40% of them are done for economic reasons: https://bmcwomenshealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1472-6874-13-29

    Hence the issue is greatly exacerbated by our capitalist dystopia.

    I don’t think I need to l source the economic growth incentive for exploiting undocumented immigrant labor they invite, while at the same time propagandizing half the country to hate them so they don’t gain social footing to get fair pay.

    Climate change, hmmm…

    Collapse of the nuclear family and birth rate, hmmm…

    K-12 educational collapse due to tax breaks for a certain economic class in almost every state, hmmm…

    Higher ed being bastardized from a societal necessity to a for profit indentured servant factory, hmmm…

    Food deserts and urban decay from big box stores killing main street to eliminate threats and then pulling out of those neighborhoods once succeeding leaving nothing but abandoned disaster areas, hmmm…

    I’m sure there are some national problems that aren’t caused by, substantially exacerbated by, or intentionally stoked for division by our owner class through their captured governments and bully pulpit, but without addressing our rigged economy and the wealth class gaining more hard power year after year, I’m sorry but it’s deck chairs by comparison.

  • Once again, social wedges. Indentured servitude never went away, it just rebranded. The almost entirely caucasion owner class did cling to using race as the ultimate tool for coerced labor, but after generations of resistance, and the unquenchable quest for unsustainable growth, more than half a century ago decided that having a racial underclass in a largely white population simply wasn’t enough exploited labor to increase their wealth and power fast enough, as it’s never fast enough.

    The poor, true believer Fox News consuming racists are the cultural remnant of that long abandoned unspoken compact between the wealth class and their once favorite colored, highest ranking capital batteries when it was convenient. Racism is real. Racism is wrong, but to the oligarchs, it’s become just another tool to manipulate their labor pool.

    Some might see it as poetic justice on the once complacent white peasants who took solace in being the richer, more socially powerful peasants, and that’s fine, but unproductive, as we have a common enemy who manipulates and stokes such anymous with the means of major media propaganda they own to maintain productivity. It’s easier than chains, it’s more insidious than Jim Crow. Just turn half fhe peasants against the other half and they’ll never look up.

  • Not to mention K-12 that isnt in literal ruin, so underfunded that becoming a teacher, what should be one of society’s most revered professions, is a life on the edge of poverty. How about our tent cities in every major city filled with our beaten, hopeless brothers and sisters our society throws away like garbage for the crime of not being effective enough capital batteries.

    I could get into other stuff but there’s just too fucking much. Almost all of which stems from allowing insatiable greed to fester and metastasize until it became an aspirational trait and core value in the US. The Gorden Geckos/Mr Potters/Ebenezer Scrooges were elevated and deified and allowed to run a muck here and warp our nation and increasingly the world to their cancerous, antisocial vision, and everyone outside of the owner class lost, even most who are their most zealous defenders.

  • I will speak of the dead how they were, not how I wish they were.

    It devalues people that lived empathetic, caring lives to play pretend some greedy/malicious/antisocial pos was a “great guy.”

    Don’t speak ill of the dead? It’s nonsensical. There is no God, but judgment still should come for a person, by the people whose lives they touched for better or worse, and it helps no one to pretend everyone who died was awesome.

    Maybe if the world called a notorious POS a notorious POS when they died and tossed their corpse into a dumpster, it would, I don’t know, show the living that how they live will decide how and if they’re remembered.

  • If I’m feeling shooty, borderlands 3 or halo infinite on PC (my nostalgia for the franchises are too strong). I used to like GTA5 way back when, until it became purely a pay to win grind.

    If I’m feeling like a story, I keep going back to skyrim after all these years. Also Last of Us, Spider-man, and the Jedi Outcast series.

    If I’m feeling like some brain dead fun, I HIGHLY recommend a lesser appreciated gem: Orcs Must Die 3

    If im feeling like spicy gaming, I have a highly modified version of skyrim for that too :)