no. the simpler explanation: the Jews and Chinese have combined their phrenologically-subversive forces and resources to isekai in the world’s first Weather Mage. Why? In order to kinetically dispatch the first ever anti-woke statecraft project. It’s called basic economics pinko frothingfash

    20 days ago

    Further consider that a lot of treats wouldn’t even need to be touched. That’s sort of the boogieman myth that capitalists, specifically the oil lobby that has incredibly deep roots, have been pressing the button on for like 20 years now since climate change awareness has become “a thing” in “the west” and specifically the US.

    “You like iFon? But if no oil… then no fon. Check make, Marxists!” type shit.

    There’s no reason that sustainable commodity production is incompatible with also maintaining a stable climate/planet. The ones who would take the hit are exactly the ones spreading the BS to the ones who repeat this shit IRL and online uncritically. And now solar is so cheap and actually pretty good (look what China has managed to produce. Massive fucking solar farms) so it’s not like the investment is bank-breaking. The US gov can do anything it wants anyway as far as funding, if it wants to. Look at the billions dumped into Israel/Ukraine/Taiwan…

    This isn’t to say that clearly wasteful commodity consumption done solely to feed the endless wheel of capitalism (someone has to consume the massive production of useless shit) can’t or shouldn’t end. It should. But there’s like massively wasteful commodities and then there’s useful commodities. One way to cut a metric fuckload of carbon emissions is to end (drastically reduce I suppose) the importing of cheap, engineered to break stuff from overseas. Another massive carbon emitter is the military. The US military not existing would go so fucking far in the direction of helping turn the tide.

    But, given the interests of the oil corporations, the government’s interest in their interests (see: Israel and its current genocide/wars), and the absolute religious devotion to maintaining “the most lethal military” by all politicians in high places… oil is the spice of the United States… and the spice must flow. Do not question why. Do not point out that alternatives exist that would eliminate many of the ongoing and future problems. Shut up and worship the tasty oil.