to Programmer Humor@programming.devEnglish · 4 months agoLinus Torvalds to Rewrite the Linux Kernel in PHPweb.archive.orgexternal-linkmessage-square42fedilinkarrow-up1277arrow-down119file-text
arrow-up1258arrow-down1external-linkLinus Torvalds to Rewrite the Linux Kernel in to Programmer Humor@programming.devEnglish · 4 months agomessage-square42fedilinkfile-text
minus-squareonlinepersona@programming.devlinkfedilinkEnglisharrow-up7arrow-down21·4 months agoAh yes, the almighty counter “everything is relative”. “Malbolge is a fine language with its strengths and weaknesses. It has perfectly valid usecases and can never be shit on, ever.” Anti Commercial-AI license
Ah yes, the almighty counter “everything is relative”. “Malbolge is a fine language with its strengths and weaknesses. It has perfectly valid usecases and can never be shit on, ever.”
Anti Commercial-AI license