• Mastengwe@lemm.ee
      5 months ago

      You just love your assumptions, don’t you? It must be nice to live in a world where you get to make up how things work and who people are- and then react to it all in your own little fantasy.

      I know little about you aside from the nonsense you post here, but if I had to guess, and I will allow for a margin of error… you’re probably not out of your teens yet. And that is why I think you deserve a bit of leeway regarding how I respond to you.

      I’ve tried explaining things to you in a way that is as respectful as I’m able to be- given the situation. But your responses are about as juvenile and ignorant as would be expected from someone who hasn’t lived long enough to understand simple things like nuance, and common sense.

        • Mastengwe@lemm.ee
          5 months ago

          Wasn’t sure that being gay had age requirements. As far as I know, you could be both. And your city of residence is entirely irrelevant to the discussion.

          Your age, sometimes can be though.

          Because with age comes the wisdom it takes to understand how nuanced things are. You’re living in a black and white world. But the rest of us know that life exists within the gray area. Everthing is in the gray area.

          You can’t get shit done without compromise. Politically anyway. It’s an absolute necessity. There no argument to it, and no way around it.

          This is how it is and without proper change, this is how it will always be. And folding your arms and throwing away your vote does mot net proper change. I mean… do you seriously think you’re doing something new? You say you want change. Dude… what you’re doing happens EVERY election year. EVERY ONE.

          How much change has it created?

          You say the old guard ways of doing things are wrong, but- and I hate to tell ya this… you’re part of that. It’s a cycle. Every four years. Two assholes step in the ring, a bunch of assholes take sides to cheer the gloved assholes, and another bunch of assholes protest the fight outside the arena.

          This is not new and you are not original.

          If you REALLY want change, you’ll try your fucking hardest to keep this ship pointed in a better direction than the sea floor- and do the work over the next four years to guarantee better selections of candidates. THIS is the proper change I was talking about.

          Because screaming from the roooftops about how shit isn’t fair- doesn’t make shit fair.

          And Trump is NOT your ally.

            • Mastengwe@lemm.ee
              5 months ago

              Can’t say I didn’t try.

              Listen though… if Trump wins, you’d better hope it’s by a wide enough margin so as to have made you vote as irrelevant as you intend it to be. Because it’ll be ENTIRELY your fault. And you will take responsibility for the removal of women’s rights, the fall of the LGBTQ+, the anihilaruon ot what remains of Palestine, pretty much most of American democracy after Trump rewrites the constitution, and…. Well- pretty much everything he does.

              All because you are too stubborn to listen to people that know better than you.

              Go on back to sharing your propaganda. And know that myself, and people like me will always be here to point out that we know what it is you’re doing.