In 2023 Israel spent $4 million in lobbying and got $4 billion in aid. We should pool together and buy ourselves some politicians, y’all. No other investment reliably returns 1000:1.
We should pool together and buy ourselves some politicians, y’all.
Traditionally, one calls that “forming a party” but unfortunately we live in a two-party system.
It should be noted that the $4B Israel got wasn’t just $4B for Israel. It was $4B for purchase of US weapons systems too Israel. And it wasn’t just Israel lobbying for this spending. You had a host of MIC lobbyists throwing in their own millions.
It should further be noted that AIPAC isn’t just doing a one-time $4M retail purchase of legislation. They’ve spend decades building up an enormous back bench of former US Congresscritters, allied staffers, political bundlers, event organizers, and religious affiliates. They injected $4M down the funnel in an 11th-hour push for the next traunch of military kick-backs that they’ve been receiving since the Bush 43 administration.
No other investment reliably returns 1000:1.
Its important to recognize that Israel provides an incredibly vital service to the US military in the form of maintaining control of the Suez Canal. Its not just a 1000:1 ROI. They’re holding Egyptian national leadership at gunpoint and we’re kicking them over some money to keep the gun loaded.
In 2023 Israel spent $4 million in lobbying and got $4 billion in aid. We should pool together and buy ourselves some politicians, y’all. No other investment reliably returns 1000:1.
Traditionally, one calls that “forming a party” but unfortunately we live in a two-party system.
It should be noted that the $4B Israel got wasn’t just $4B for Israel. It was $4B for purchase of US weapons systems too Israel. And it wasn’t just Israel lobbying for this spending. You had a host of MIC lobbyists throwing in their own millions.
It should further be noted that AIPAC isn’t just doing a one-time $4M retail purchase of legislation. They’ve spend decades building up an enormous back bench of former US Congresscritters, allied staffers, political bundlers, event organizers, and religious affiliates. They injected $4M down the funnel in an 11th-hour push for the next traunch of military kick-backs that they’ve been receiving since the Bush 43 administration.
Its important to recognize that Israel provides an incredibly vital service to the US military in the form of maintaining control of the Suez Canal. Its not just a 1000:1 ROI. They’re holding Egyptian national leadership at gunpoint and we’re kicking them over some money to keep the gun loaded.