• Stamets@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Well, for those curious this is from Jim Carrey’s wikipedia but it’s also not nearly as bad as it looks. Only one of those things a real problem.

    Wrongful death lawsuits

    Two lawsuits but over the same death that had zero proof that Carrey was in anyway involved. He started dating a woman named Cathriona White in 2012. She got married in 2013 but they continued their relationship in an on-again-off-again style until her suicide in 2015. The first suit claimed that Carreys wealth and personal influence to get the medication that she killed herself with. There was no evidence that this had happened in any way whatsoever. There was evidence that she had issues with prescription medication before she met Carrey though. The second wrongful death lawsuit was over the same death but this time from the mother of the deceased and for something completely different. This time it was claims that Carrey was riddled with STDs and had lied about it and hid the results from White. Both lawsuits were completely dismissed with no legal proceedings ever going further than those suits. No settlements were made. Carrey was a pallbearer at Whites funeral.

    Vaccine skepticism

    This is the one as bad as it looks. He wrote an article in 2009 that were doubting Vaccines and in 2015 he said the California governor was a “corporate fascist” who was “poisoning” children by enacting the vaccination requirements. He didn’t say anything about the COVID vaccines that I can find elsewhere. Dude was an idiot but it’s been 10 years and with him not talking too much about it I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. In 2009 he was dating Jenna McCarthy, a known anti-vax lunatic. Brainwashing doesn’t take forever to get rid of. If he’s still anti-vax then yeah, fuck him, but after 10 years without a peep during the biggest vaccine blitz known to man? I’m willing to hesitantly give him the benefit of the doubt. Am surprised no one pressed him on it though.

    Political and Spiritual views

    He believes in that ‘The Secret’ type nonsense “The Law of Attraction”. Said he visualized having a $10 million cheque and putting it in his pocket and then 7 years later he got a $10 million cheque for Dumb and Dumber. Not really problematic so much as bizarre/unrealistic. He’s also an outspoken socialist. The big part of that section is him talking about sparking an “international incident” because he was making political cartoons of Orange Hitler and then Press Secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders. He made some cartoon that criticized fascism by depicting Mussolinis death. This pissed off Mussolinis granddaughter on twitter and she threw a hissyfit.

    Artwork and NFTs

    He’s a painter and has been for a while. The section mostly focuses on that. There is a single line about NFTs, it being: “In April 2022, Carrey announced that he had minted his first art NFT via the NFT platform SuperRare. The NFT is based on a painting entitled Sunshower, and is accompanied by original voiceover.” Apparently he also released a couple NFTs under a different name before releasing that public one. That is the entirety of his involvement within the NFT community. Also something stupid he did but given it isn’t an ongoing thing he didn’t push relentlessly it doesn’t seem like that big a deal either.


    The title is totally fucking true. Live your life like a good person, don’t be a fuckwit, listen to experts, and don’t jump on trends immediately without doing research. Might be a tiny problem or a big problem but you will have problems if you go down an alternate path. Problems you will then have openly deserved.

    • Patapon Enjoyer@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      He made some cartoon that criticized fascism by depicting Mussolinis death. This pissed off Mussolinis granddaughter on twitter and she threw a hissyfit


      • Stamets@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        I needed a distraction from reality and that filled out like 10 minutes. More than happy to help.

        • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          How the fuck? That would take me an hour of writing and editing to post.

          Then again, I spend most of that time thinking. Plus, delete a solid chunk of what I write to be concise. And I type slow.

          Still impressive.

          • Stamets@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            Two monitors, a good keyboard, a fast typing speed, ability to read and type at the same time, and wildly unmedicated ADHD. Not a combo I would recommend lol

    • Alien Nathan Edward@lemm.ee
      10 months ago

      honestly? the fact that he dabbled in a few things, found out he was wrong, and then either changed his mind or at least shut the fuck up about it makes me like him more. idk how he ended up being an antigun socialist but maybe someone can talk to him about that too

    • x4740N@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      He believes in that ‘The Secret’ type nonsense “The Law of Attraction”.

      Villifying someone’s spiritual beleifs by calling them “nonsense” when they are in no way related to you at all isn’t very nice

      And falsely associating spiritual beleifs as coming from / originating from one website is misinforming and further adds to the vilification as I can see that implied by your comment based on context

      I’m tired of people attacking spiritual beleifs that have nothing to do with them and ridiculing and harassing people online for having spiritual beleifs

      And I’m also sick and tired of people who falsely associate those with spiritual beliefs with those anti vax idiots

      • Stamets@lemmy.world
        10 months ago
        1. It is categorically nonsense. It has no basis in science, reality or even common sense.

        2. I never stated that it came from one website. I said “The Secret” type. You missed an entire word. That would be a fair way to describe it as The Secret is the most common version of this nonsense.

        3. I will ridicule anything that ultimately blames you for anything negative in your life. That’s the thing about this utter bullshit that people don’t seem to realize. There is a seriously dangerous flipside to believing that all the good in your life comes from manifestation. It means that all of the negative in your life is either you manifesting it as well or something you deserve for just not trying hard enough. That is disgusting and is not worthy of any respect in my opinion. Any “belief” that victim blames is something that is immediately worthless in my eyes. Not to mention the fact that it completely devalues hardwork and dedication by saying if you just visualize and believe it hard enough that it’ll magically appear in your life. Like I said. Nonsense.

        4. People who believe in this “law of attraction” and people who believe that vaccines cause autism both lack critical thinking skills. It’s completely unsurprising that they’re linked or that there’s a pretty frequent overlap.

        • x4740N@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          You are toxic and share the same harassing behaviour of reddit atheists

          You think you can bully and harass users online and people who have spiritual beliefs with your holier-than-thou attitude

          If you think I will let the bullying and harrasment slide then you are wrong

          I have watched you and users similar to you harass and bully users on reddit for years and even go as far as to brigading subreddits for spiritual communities to harass and bully the users there, the same behaviour came over here to lemmy

          You are entitled to your own beleifs but to harrass and bully users online who do not share the same beliefs as you is not okay

          1. It is categorically nonsense. It has no basis in science, reality or even common sense.

          The spiritual community doesn’t need your scientific validation to practice spirituality

          1. I never stated that it came from one website. I said “The Secret” type. You missed an entire word. That would be a fair way to describe it as The Secret is the most common version of this nonsense.

          You use the word “nonsense” in a derogatory way

          1. I will ridicule anything that ultimately blames you for anything negative in your life. That’s the thing about this utter bullshit that people don’t seem to realize. There is a seriously dangerous flipside to believing that all the good in your life comes from manifestation. It means that all of the negative in your life is either you manifesting it as well or something you deserve for just not trying hard enough. That is disgusting and is not worthy of any respect in my opinion. Any “belief” that victim blames is something that is immediately worthless in my eyes. Not to mention the fact that it completely devalues hardwork and dedication by saying if you just visualize and believe it hard enough that it’ll magically appear in your life. Like I said. Nonsense.

          This is the exact behaviour of reddit atheists, beeliving they get w free pass to bully and harass people online who don’t fit into their hive mind

          And you share the typical misonformed view of spiritual communities amd spiritual beliefs and I don’t know of you are genuinely misonformed or are intentionally misinforming people about spiritual communities and spiritual beleifs as another tactic to bully and harass

          1. People who believe in this “law of attraction” and people who believe that vaccines cause autism both lack critical thinking skills. It’s completely unsurprising that they’re linked or that there’s a pretty frequent overlap.

          No you’re just being derogatory by falsely associating the spiritual community with those anti-vax idiots and you are using the phrase “critical thinking skills” as an insult and not with its actual meaning

          • AVincentInSpace@pawb.social
            10 months ago

            “A belief system that blames its adherents for anything bad that happens to them is kind of a toxic belief system.”

            “Yeah well you’re just mean. Stop bullying me.”

            • x4740N@lemmy.world
              10 months ago

              You have a star trek inspired profile but ignore the ethos of startrek set out by Gene Roddenberry

              • Stamets@lemmy.world
                10 months ago

                You mean the ethos that religion and spirituality wouldn’t exist in the future? That one? The one where TNG goes out of its way time and time again to demonstrate that people who hold religious and spiritual beliefs end up stuck in the dark ages? The one where they have a Prime Directive to specifically prohibit the building of religion around their tech because Starfleet and the Federation recognize that religion causes extreme upheval and sets back their technological progress because they’re obsessed with nonsense? That one? That ethos? The one where it also explicitly says that you should not respect someone’s beliefs if those beliefs are harmful to others or promote dangerous thinking because then it curtails the rights of others? Where if the beliefs cause pain to individuals they’re not worth a second thought? That one? That ethos? The one made by Gene Roddenberry? That Gene Roddenberry who repeatedly publicly said he was a secular humanist? That Gene? The secular one?

                Star Trek backs me up. But of course you wouldn’t know that because you’re just desperately grabbing at some gotcha because you cannot find a single leg to stand on to defend your disgusting and harmful beliefs. Because there is no defense. Because they are disgusting. And harmful.

                Have fun with that. I’m done giving attention to the likes of toxic spiritualists like you who try to spray their venom under the guise of being enlightened.

                • x4740N@lemmy.world
                  10 months ago

                  No I’m talking about discrimination

                  Genes ethos includes not discriminating against someone for their differences

                  Here you are discriminating against people based on spiritual beleifs with prejudice and misinformed stereotypes and misinformed beleifs about people with spiritual beleifs

                  Do you think spiritual people don’t go to see the doctor when they are sick, are you that misinformed

                  Prejudice holds us back as a society, you cannot use prejudice in the name of equality as that is hypocritical

                  And I have watched through TNG

                  It wasn’t firmly locked in its stances and what would change from season to season and maybe even episode to episode

                  You cannot truely support equality if you use prejudice to put others down

                • x4740N@lemmy.world
                  10 months ago

                  Additionally it was specifically picard in some seasons that held this stance

                  The prime directive’s goal is to stop interference with players and lifeforms natural development pre-warp, its purpose is not what you state

                  Your comment also lacks Additional context and nuance which I beleive is intentional to frame your comment in a specific way, it’s like you are looking at specifoc parts of trek that fit what you want to state with your comment comment are surgically slicing those parts out without context and nuance and adapting them for your comment

                  • Stamets@lemmy.world
                    10 months ago

                    Don’t care. Didn’t read. See previous comment.

                    I’m going to block you now. You don’t have anything to say that is worth my time.

          • Trainguyrom@reddthat.com
            10 months ago

            While i agree that the person you’re replying to has a bit of a brash and elitist tone, they do have a point with line item #3 as they perfectly explained trying to stop victim blaming

          • BreadOven@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            Sure, practice whatever spiritually you’d like (as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else). I’m honestly glad it makes people happier overall. Please keep on doing it if you like it and it makes you happy (and doesn’t hurt or ridicule anyone else or their beliefs).

            Just don’t bring science into it. So many of us have put so much time and effort into discovering how things work and why they happen. All more or less concrete evidence that can be debated, but is able to be observed and reproduced.

            They’re two totally different things. I just wish people would understand that.

            For the record, I was raised religious. But since devoting so much of my life to science, I have very different views.

            • x4740N@lemmy.world
              10 months ago

              I’m not bringing science into it, I’m just tired of people using it as an excuse to discriminate against people who practice spirituality

              Stamets looks to be discriminating against people whether they realise it or not, they get overly rude and defensive when people defend spiritual practices, and stamets appears to hold misinformed views about spiritual people and spiritual practices

              I do admit my earlier comments responding to stamets where more emotionally fuled but that was because I hate seeing people discriminate against people who practice spiritual people like they think it’s okay not to view them as equal and discriminate against them because they practice spirituality

              I saw it happen for years on reddit and I guess that stored a lot of emotional fuel that needed to be let out

              Spiritual beliefs aren’t harmful, and aren’t harmful to others

              It’s the antivaxers, medical health deniers, and bigots who falsely claim to be spiritual or use spirituality as an excuse to commit these activities that are harmful