Identify all squares that contain: Origami unicorns.
Identify all of the candles that burn twice as bright, but only half as long.
Too bad she won’t live, but then again who does?
Well this is both “correct” and wrong simultaneously. The Final Cut, which is the canonical version, states that Deckard is a replicant.
However if you watch 2049, that is specifically a sequel to the non-canon theatrical cut. So the statement would be incorrect in that instance.
It’s both simultaneously anyway, because Blade Runner’s entire jam is that it’s ambiguous whether Deckard (and even moreso McCoy) really is a replicant after all. As you have observed the true canonical answer has waffled over time with various cuts and recuts of the movie, although I believe Ridley Scott stated that the original intention was for him to have been a rep all along. And book Deckard is explicitly human.
Anyway, the replicants as depicted in all incarnations are clearly biological constructs and not mechanical, so while they’re certainly artificial the notion of whether or not they’re “robots” to begin with is highly debatable. Nexus-6, at least, has truly human intelligence to the extent that the built in 4 year expiry timer is required lest they emotionally mature enough to gain just a little bit too much free will for their designers’ liking. This is also why the Voight-Kampff test is necessary versus just waving a metal detector at them or X-raying them or whatever.
Anyway, the replicants as depicted in all incarnations are clearly biological constructs and not mechanical, so while they’re certainly artificial the notion of whether or not they’re “robots” to begin with is highly debatable.
I would say it’s not even debatable, the issue at the heart of the conflict in the original Blade Runner and continued in 2049 is that the Nexus-7 was made so close to humans that they basically are humans, at least in a biological sense. Maybe the earlier models were more android-like, but later they’re basically just manufactured people.
This is why in 2049 we see >!Deckard, a human, and Rachael, a replicant, were able to conceive a child, who was otherwise born perfectly normal other than not being able to inherit an immune system from her mother.!<
Simple hack - click outside the window. Because in the end it doesn’t matter who is a robot.
Fucking spoileh
Not really. The question remains unanswered, it’s a bit Heisenbergian, it differs depending on what cut of the film you watch.
You’ve had 43 years to watch that movie, dawg.
I feel so seen 😊
Great short movie btw, free on YouTube
What, Blade Runner?
I’m not a robot
I found this captcha in the YouTube player a few days back.