Title assumes the current reality changes to one where stupid shit still happens but it’s not always “And then it got worse” (lmao)
Title assumes the current reality changes to one where stupid shit still happens but it’s not always “And then it got worse” (lmao)
Then it would’nt be the European Union, but rather a North Atlantic Democratic Union like NATO, but its not just the military
The European union never had any intention to be limited to land borders within Europe and explicitly understand themselve as a economic and trade, ethical values and international cooperation based union - which by the way does include far tighter equal defence rules than the NATO accords. This is especially important as Europe is not a well defined geographical area and its borders are somewhat fluid.
Remember that before Erdogan Türkiye was considered as a possible member, Cyprus is a member, Georgia was on its way to a membership before the current government took a tour to Moscow, etc. The longest single country-to country land border the EU has is the French-Brazil border.
And Canada has as much of a border to a EU country(but not the EU as Greenland is not part of it) as e.g. Türkiye has it’s European parts. So after all…this is not an issue at all.
Like some sort of North Atlantic Federated Organization