Read this before you use a bulk utility to delete your reddit comment history.
Comments deleted from reddit aren’t actually erased or removed, they are merely marked as deleted so they don’t appear anymore. The content still exists and can be used by reddit for AI training, marketing or opinion research, or whatever. If you want to truly eliminate all the content you have contributed so they can’t use it anymore, read the docs about a utility and make sure it first Edits each comment and overwrites it with meaningless words before deleting it. Reddit only keeps the most recent version of a comment, so this technique leaves a worthless bunch of garbage in place for AI algorithms to enjoy.
Several years ago I used a Chrome extension. whose name I don’t remember but I think it had “nuke” in the title. It went a step further than filling comments with random characters - it generated fake text with real words, in case AI is ever applied to prevent inserting pure gibberish. There are various browser extensions out there, just be sure to pick one that says it overwrites comments before deleting.
I didn’t know any of this before I deleted my accounts unfortunately, but I think there’s a small win in leaving all of that communist propaganda in their AI training data at least
Read this before you use a bulk utility to delete your reddit comment history.
Comments deleted from reddit aren’t actually erased or removed, they are merely marked as deleted so they don’t appear anymore. The content still exists and can be used by reddit for AI training, marketing or opinion research, or whatever. If you want to truly eliminate all the content you have contributed so they can’t use it anymore, read the docs about a utility and make sure it first Edits each comment and overwrites it with meaningless words before deleting it. Reddit only keeps the most recent version of a comment, so this technique leaves a worthless bunch of garbage in place for AI algorithms to enjoy.
Several years ago I used a Chrome extension. whose name I don’t remember but I think it had “nuke” in the title. It went a step further than filling comments with random characters - it generated fake text with real words, in case AI is ever applied to prevent inserting pure gibberish. There are various browser extensions out there, just be sure to pick one that says it overwrites comments before deleting.
I didn’t know any of this before I deleted my accounts unfortunately, but I think there’s a small win in leaving all of that communist propaganda in their AI training data at least
Tried and true: