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Joined 25 days ago
Cake day: August 25th, 2024


  • Crazy how much you can tell me about myself without knowing a single thing. Which of my two previous comments were anti semitic? Was it the one where I said we shouldn’t do nothing about injustice; or the one where I said we should voice our opinions?

    The genocide didn’t happen

    I believe 17 thousand dead children and 23 thousand of their dead parents would disagree with you. I think the 116 dead journalists would disagree (hey do you know what a war crime is? Journalists and civilians are protected classes during wartime). They’ve committed to total war - not just killing fighters, but bombing schools and hospitals too under the guise of “searching for the terrorists.” And they revel in it.

    Maybe you haven’t heard anything about it, but the ICJ has been continuing to speak with both sides about their misdeeds. They’ve ordered Israel to stop destroying Palestine because they need to have evidence of both sides atrocities (Hamas has commit war crimes too!) to which Israel responded “the IDF is operating to dismantle Hamas military and administrative capabilities.” That was this May. Earlier this week, they bombed a school and claimed that 3 of the UNRWA members working there were Hamas agents - with literally 0 evidence as far as the UN can tell.

    And before you start writing your response, really think about what you’re saying. You claim that those of us speaking out against it are spewing hatred, but I don’t hate Israel or Jewish people or any of that. I just wish that 40 thousand people (and counting! Humanitarian sites continue to get attacked to this day) didn’t have to die for no reason.

  • Are positive LGBT communities echo chambers? If you only ever interact with that one opinion, then yes No! I didn’t even care about what an echo chamber is! I just wanted to pass judgement on people who use this phrase without accepting any new considerations for what it actually means.

    I think you might be protecting your peace a lil too close to the sun

  • This is where you implied it was an attack. By saying that I was drawing an image of people when literally all I did was an explain what an echo chamber was. I never passed judgement on you, or said anything about the diversity of opinions I partake in. You decided all by yourself to be upset about a simple explanation of what an echo chamber was. If you’re not in one, don’t worry about it lol

  • How did you take this as an attack? An echo chamber is the exaggerated idea of hearing only a single opinion, as curated to your own beliefs. It doesn’t matter what the belief is.

    Obviously no one is 100% in an echo chamber, but it’s also obvious that everyone is guilty of confirmation bias; and tend to prefer seeing their own opinions online. I never said anything about my own feed or accused you of being in an echo chamber. I just explained what one was because you implied that it’s impossible to be in a liberal echo chamber