• Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    My desktop and laptop are too clunky for day to day stuff. There are a wide range of things i now do on my phone that would be less than possible on a normal phone screen.

    I dont blame you for not seeing the benefits. Like i said earlier, you need to try it to get it.

    As for a self destructing screen, its nonsense. There are 5 people at my work that have folding phones. There are 2 fold 4’s 2 fold 5’s and a fold 3 as well as my fold 6, theres also my wife who has my 3 year old fold 3 and my brother who now has a pixel fold and no one has a broken screen. Oh! My mum and her partner both had flip 3 phones and have just bought the flip 6s and her partner ended up getting a fold 5 last year. No broken screens.

    If you know anyone who has broken a folding screen, that person would have a brokwn screen regardless of having a folding phone or not. The amount of broken screens or damages cases i see in my day to day is insane.

    I know even all of the examples i gave are anecdotal, but your claim about self destructive screens is simply false and not backed up with anything.

    I expect to have my fold 6 in 5 years still as good as when i bought it.

    • argv minus one@mastodon.sdf.org
      2 months ago


      I remember there being an uproar about folding screens developing visible seams after a while. I would consider that a failure.

      Unless your folding phone also has a physical keyboard and a serious non-toy operating system, I fail to see how it can practically replace a laptop or desktop.

      • Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        What do you mean by seam? Do you mean the crease? If so, it is nothing. I’ve never even close to cared about it, and in all my time using these phones, it hasnt been a problem, even once.

        If you mean something else, then please elaborate because i dont know about it.

        In regards to it replacing a laptop or desktop, that’s not what it’s for. It can replace some of the functions of a laptop or desktop, i can game on it using apps or streaming from my ps5, or emulators with an external controller like a gamesir make it into a respectable handheld. I can comfortably manage emails, shopping, web browsing, lemmy, social media, photo and video editing. I also use it for playing music (displaying sheet music) and composing music with cubase elements and fl studio. It also works as a midi controller for various insteuments and effects processors.

        Im sorry but just because you dont see the use cases, it doesn’t mean there isn’t any. Arguing against folding phones is almost the same as arguing against tablets. Which have a decades long legacy of being extremely useful.

        But again. I dont replace my laptop or desktop with this thing. I replace some functions and i compliment or augment others.

        • argv minus one@mastodon.sdf.org
          2 months ago


          > I can comfortably manage emails, shopping, web browsing, lemmy, social media

          Without a real keyboard? How? I find the experience of doing such things on a touchscreen infuriatingly slow and error-prone. That’s why I’m using a desktop to write this post.

          > Arguing against folding phones is almost the same as arguing against tablets.

          That’s not saying much. Tablets have been a flop.

          • Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            Because my keyboard looks like this. It’s fast enough, and if you learn how to use shortcuts, suggestions, and cursor control etc its easy in its own way.

            Maybe you just dont spend enough time with touchscreens because of your clear disdane for them.

            Tablets aren’t a flop. Estimates say there are at least 1 billion users worldwide, and they have a lot of niche functionality not provided by laptops, as i have previously mentioned.

            Regardless. You, a none foldable user who clearly thinks desktops/laptops are the best user experience and most functional, telling me, a foldable phone user who has both a desktop, and a laptop, and i work in IT on a laptop daily that my foldable is not a perfectly reasonable and legitimate user experience is a bit odd.

            I have experience of both, you have experience of one (or so it seems based on your posts) and you are telling me i am wrong about my experience because you dont think it’s possible. It’s just a bit rich…

            I know you might think you dont need to use one to conclude you won’t like one. But i contend that after having one as a daily driver for almost 4 years, I could not go back to a non foldable. It would be too restricting.

            • argv minus one@mastodon.sdf.org
              2 months ago


              On the contrary, my disdain for touchscreens is a result of spending far too *much* time with them. A larger, foldable screen isn’t going to solve that problem.

              A phone with a real keyboard would solve that problem—I loved my Droid 3 and miss it terribly—but for reasons I absolutely cannot fathom, no phone manufacturer wants to make a truly good phone any more.

              I don’t know what estimates you speak of, but I manage a website, and the monthly tablet users on it is basically zero.

              • Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world
                2 months ago

                Sounds like you aren’t the market for touch screen devices. Most people get on with them just fine.

                A phone with a slide out keyboard with buttons so tiny that only a mouse could use them? Sorry to exaggerate a bit, but it’s a 4 inch screen. That keyboard must be awkard. I guess a blackberry would have suited you, too?

                The reason they dont make physical keyboards for phones much anymore is be ause they dont work well and people dont like them.

                You manage a website? What’s your monthly hit count? How many of those users have foldables? Can you rely on the user agent to identify a tablet? Or is it possible that they just appear the same as a phone? Or a foldable? (it is). What if they use desktop mode? do you think your websites number of tablet users is representative of the overall global users?

                I used google to determine the number of tablet users globally and averaged a number from multiple sources.

                Tbh, it seems like your view is “if it doesn’t line up with my preconceived ideas, then it must not be true”

                Which isnt a great way to look at things.

                • argv minus one@mastodon.sdf.org
                  2 months ago


                  The Droid 3 keyboard’s keys are larger than a touchscreen keyboard’s. You push them with your thumbs. If you can handle a Game Boy/DS/Switch, you can handle that keyboard.

                  Never used a BlackBerry. Their keyboards seem smaller (i.e. harder to use) than the Droid’s.

                  Does nobody like keyboards on phones? I don’t remember anybody surveying me.

                  Pretty ironic that you think I shouldn’t knock foldable phones before I try them, but you’re knocking physical keyboards without trying them.

                  • Mr_Dr_Oink@lemmy.world
                    2 months ago

                    Ok, i assure you, the droid 3’s keys are not larger than my foldables keys. And if you push them with your thumbs, then they are not better than a touch screen keyboard for typing speed. They are also more than likely prone to as many errors as a touchscreen keyboard. Muscle memory will play a big role in how well they work for the individual.

                    Yes, people dont like physical keyboards on phones, or else there would be a market for them, and you would not be complaining about not being able to find any modern phones with physical keyboards. Clearly, they dont satisfy a need that enough people out there have. I think you need to accept that you are in a minority of people who like phones with physical keyboards. Incidentally, a minority smaller than the market share of tablets.

                    Fair enough, tablet market share is around 2% when compared to mobile and desktop/laptop. pretty low, but high enough that they are still being manufactured and sold.

                    As for the irony, i have used a phone with a slide out keyboard. It was a samsung from a long time ago, im struggling to remember its name, but it looked a lot like this one:

                    So i am sticking to that point.

                  • argv minus one@mastodon.sdf.org
                    2 months ago


                    Google Analytics reports how many people are using desktop, phone, or tablet on my site.

                    A Google search for “tablet vs phone vs desktop market share” yields similar results: tablet market share is very low (though not basically zero like on my site).

                    I could charitably call tablets a niche device, but seeing as convertible laptops do everything tablets do, have keyboards, and run serious non-toy operating systems, I don’t see any reason to be charitable.