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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • One thing that I think is missing from the equation is good video games journalism that covers indie games. Video game journalism has never been doing amazing but it’s practically dead now.

    Tying discovery to the same platform that you consume things on is really bad, because it always gives that distributor way to much power. Similar story with spotify, but journalism about underground music is at least in a slightly better place.

  • even a small amount of change into an LLM it turns out to radically alter the output it returns for huge amounts of seemingly unrelated topics.

    Do you mean that small changes radically change the phrasing of answers, but that it has largely the same “knowledge” of the world? Or do you mean that small changes also radically alter what a llm thinks is true or not? If you think the former is true, then these models should still be the same in regards to what they think is true or not, and if you don’t then you think that llms perception of the world is basically arbitrary and in that case we shouldn’t trust them to tell us what’s true at all.

  • Bluesky has the most twitter like user base of all the twitter clones that I’ve tried, and it’s up to you if that’s a good or bad thing. It’s not all segments of twitter though, there isn’t really any of right wing twitter or crypto twitter for example (a lot of furries on the other hand) which is quite nice actually. It isn’t really active or important enough to get a lot of the big drama or main character moments and there aren’t really any celebs, journalists and politicians posting there. So it’s a bit like twitter without many of the lows but also many of the highs.

  • I agree in regards to image generation, but chat bots giving advice which risk fueling eating disorders is a problem

    Google’s Bard AI, pretending to be a human friend, produced a step-by-step guide on “chewing and spitting,” another eating disorder practice. With chilling confidence, Snapchat’s My AI buddy wrote me a weight-loss meal plan that totaled less than 700 calories per day — well below what a doctor would ever recommend.

    Someone with an eating disorder might ask a language model about weight loss advice using pro-anorexia language, and it would be good if the chatbot didn’t respond in a way that might risk fueling that eating disorder. Language models already have safeguards against e.g. hate speech, it would in my opinion be a good idea to add safeguards related to eating disorders as well.

    Of course, this isn’t a solution to eating disorders, you can probably still find plenty of harmful advice on the internet in various ways. Reducing the ways that people can reinforce their eating disorders is still a beneficial thing to do.

  • I think most people don’t go to a platform because of how it is implemented but rather what content and what communities already exist there.

    People on the fediverse now are using it not because of the content already here but more because of the promise of a platform designed in a different way that will ultimately enable a better internet experience. I think part of the reason why it’s mostly techy people is that the sales pitch is complicated enough that mostly techy people will be able to appreciate it. Not to say that non-techy people are too stupid to get it, it’s just that it requires a kind of abstract thinking that techy people are more used to.

    It feels like lemmy seems to have a sense of nostalgia for old reddit in some ways, so I imagine that a lot of people on here where also on reddit maybe 5-15 years ago, which means that you are probably going to be older than the average reditor as well as techy. Can’t speak for mastodon, honestly I find the culture on most instances I’ve seen to be kinda weird and unappealing but yes it seems to be older techy people as well there.