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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2024

  • Ah, I see what you mean now.

    Not exactly at gunpoint and, as always, all the evidence for the claims is circumstantial but here it is:

    Senator for Veracruz, Miguel Ángel Yunes Márquez (the one who “flipped”), is currently being investigated for falsifying his residence documents when he attempted to run for mayor of Veracruz in 2021. He then accused the current government of Veracruz (MORENA) of political prosecution and denounced the local courts for being under MORENA’s controll. He claimed it was an attempt to stop him from becoming senator. (sorry, dont know the technical terms in english)

    An arrest warrant was issued against him in july since he was out of the country and they declared him as “fleeing”. He appealed, claiming he was outside for medical reasons and the warrant was suspended.

    He had stated that he would vote against the reform as it is the position of his party (PAN) then 3 days ago stopped all comunications with his party and yesterday his father went to the senate as his representative to present his vote in favour of the reform, since he is apparently still to sick to attend the senate himself. Later that night, or quite early this morning, he was seen alongside his father when leaving the senate’s session.

    But the plot thickens!

    His father and former governor of the state of Veracruz (2016-2018), Miguel Ángel Yunes Linares, is also being investigated for corruption as during his administration a millionaire security system for the state was installed in the state of which several cameras dont work and many others were never installed in the first place.

    He is also being investigated for a very similar crime, “Illicit enrichment”, when he was director of the “Institute for social security and safety for state workers” (ISSSTE; mostly public healthcare for state workers). Apparently the institute paid for several medicaments, equipment, and services that were never recieved during his administration.

    But wait! Theres more.

    His brother and former mayor of the city of Veracruz, Fernando Yunes Márquez is also being investigated for electoral crimes during his administration as he allegedly forced city workers, under threat of unemployment and blacklisting, to support his brothers candidacy (when he attempted, and failed, to run for mayor of the same city)

    And for the cherry on top, his wife, Patricia Lobeira Rodríguez, is the current mayor of that city (Not that it really matters since there are no accusations against her but I always get uneasy when a whole familly is in the government)

    The claim of “wrangling votes” is that they offered him inmunity for himself and his family if he changed his vote; Which MORENA can totally do when the courts fall under their control now that the reform has been aprooved. (It still needs ratifying but everything points that it will be soon)

    Also worth noting is that the Yunes familly and MORENA (AMLO included) have been very “critical” of each other for several years so this seems like a very strange and unexpected “change of heart”.

    I can post some sources if you want but they are in spanish.

  • Agree to disagree.

    They explicitly said “I prefer to share the bad news” not that it was their only interest and, as I already pointed out, theres a legitimate reason as to why that could be.

    Nothing of what ozma posts and comments makes me think they have a pro-trump agenda. I believe your personal opinion of Ozma is influencing how you interpret their words and their banning is based solely on the your assumption of what they meant.

    All this said, I could be wrong to since im not inmune to my opinions shaping how I see things but even if I thought they were pro trump, i think the comment in cuestion is not evidence enough of their agenda (or lack there of)

  • Thats an ok conversation I guess. But, in order to make your defense, you had to willfully ignore the fact that biden (and both party leaders) have a very pro israel/netanyahu stance and all of them are sponsored by pro israel money which, I believe, is what the comment you replied to was saying, even if this specific issue wasnt directly related to biden Thats what I would call blind/dishonest support for team blue.

  • The whole board is full of people giving Biden shit

    And more often than not is followed by a variation of “vote blue no matter who” or its heavilly downvoted or gets several replies all telling them how dumb and wrong they are. Thats what I meant, but I admit that it isnt as one sided as my comment might imply.

    Anyways, I dont think their descicion of only sharing negative news about biden is not inherently in bad faith. In fact, I believe them admitting to doing so proves the oposite, they were telling people directly what types of news they are sharing and what their view of the situation is, instead of pretending to be objective when theres clearly a bias.

  • So the conclusion is: Test your eye protection, whatever it is, like the article says.

    I have heard those words before but forgot about them and often get confused with the meanings. Thanks for the explanations, good read.

    I have seen a lot of auto darkening helmets

    Those look awesome but they are too expensive here and I always worry they will take too long to darken

    I suppose there’s also the possibility that the equivalents of ANSI or OSHA or whoever sets the standards for welding lenses in your country, may use a different system or terminology than we do here in the states, which could make most of what I’m saying here largely irrelevant.

    Probably. I think we are also a bit careless when it comes to safety measures. Like Ive seen DIY videos on YT that makes me think the maker is being a bit paranoid about safety only to then read the comments telling them all the other safety measures they skipped and all I can think of is “I would have done it worse” lol.