TST has made no progress in any way, but they’re very loud because they want you to give money to them instead of actual trans healthcare organizations.
TST has made no progress in any way, but they’re very loud because they want you to give money to them instead of actual trans healthcare organizations.
anyone can say this about any disagreement in existence
i don’t even know what side you’re on that’s how vague this is
god can we not bring pitbull discourse here
George W. Bush’s greatest accomplishment is turning from a mass murderer of 1000000+ civilians to the fun guy who loves to paint.
You make up a 3-card hand (0 cards in deck) and try to beat the ones your opponents make up, both on the draw and on the play. The top decks get 1 card banned from them. Drawing from an empty library doesn’t lose the game, and randomness is always worst for the owner of the card (your mana crypt always deals 3 damage to you, if you donate it, it’ll deal 0 to your opponent). that is the entire format, and it’s super fun!
well gen alpha are babies, 15 year olds are gen z
but also yeah society is getting more puritan and it’s bad
sexual assault is such a funny meme to you ppl huh
all cops. every single one. black officers are very often disproportionate and still racist, and still uphold the system of policing
can you just shut up about reddit already
it doesn’t even rhyme
all these “women are so mysterious” jokes suck because “not saying what you mean” is literally a universal human experience and always internet ppl single out women
i wish we had the enchantment land cycle because this could be the kind of card that makes legacy enchantress viable
edited my comment to clarify
earlier, i wrote a comment saying not to use fascism to hate humanity; at the same time, the fact that fascists are also human is something we have to acknowledge so we can stop our loved ones from falling into it
it’s not all of humanity doing this, it’s fascists. don’t use the rise of fascism to hate all of humanity, just fight it.
edit: “all of”
edit: the comment above is edgy as hell, people in history pet their cats and made art and told stories, some of which they believed were true. the text below is a reminder that you’re not superior to them, and not all religions are cults.
reminder to everyone that you are not immune to cults
we need just 1 more good food payoff at common