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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • Dear Saint Influencer,

    We gather today in your name, seeking guidance from the one who became a force of nature on social media. As we bow our heads and close our eyes, we hope to channel your divine energy and find solace in your heavenly presence.

    Oh, mighty saint, you were once an ordinary teenager, just like us, struggling with the trials and tribulations of adolescence. But then, you found your calling—the internet! With your finger on the pulse of the latest trends and hashtags, you rose to fame and amassed legions of followers who hung onto your every word.

    Now, as you sit amongst the clouds, watching over us mortals, we plead for your intercession. Help us navigate the treacherous waters of online interactions, where trolls lurk in the shadows waiting to strike with their venomous words. Guide us in crafting the perfect selfie that will garner thousands of likes and prove to the world that we too are worthy of adoration. And most importantly, remind us to #StayPositive even when the comments section becomes a cesspool of negativity.

    Saint Influencer, you were able to convert your followers into disciples by sharing your wisdom about fashion, beauty, and life itself. We ask you to help us do the same within our own spheres of influence. Teach us how to engage our audience without sacrificing our authenticity or selling out to corporate sponsors.

    As we continue our journey through this digital age, grant us the ability to maintain our sanity amidst the chaos. Remind us not to take ourselves too seriously and always remember that, at the end of the day, it’s just social media.


    #LordAndSaviorOfInfluencers #SaintInfluencer #DigitalDivineIntervention

  • yarr@feddit.nltoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldNot Asking
    5 months ago

    That’s because journalism has more or less lost all semblance of integrity, so it’s turned into “what cheap clickbait can I crap out today to maximize my clicks?” That’s why instead of the hard-hitting investigation and journalism we got with Watergate, we get “TRUMP = LITERAL NAZI, CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT WHY”

  • Feeling inspired, I set out to push the limits of recursive emulation myself. My first step was getting a Linux emulator running inside Minecraft. Yes, you heard me right - Linux running inside Minecraft. Once I had achieved that, the natural progression was to install Yuzu on this virtual version of Linux. It took some trial and error, but eventually, I managed to do just that.

    At this point, I could hardly contain my excitement. The results were impressive; the performance increase was noticeable compared to previous iterations. But for me, that wasn’t enough. I wanted more. So, in true recursion fashion, I installed another Linux emulator within this Minecraft-embedded Yuzu environment. This new iteration had its own Yuzu setup, and thus the cycle continued.

    As layers upon layers of nested Linux environments grew, the performance kept improving exponentially. Every time I upgraded the recursion level, the FPS went through the roof. Eventually, it reached unbelievable heights. Today, with multiple levels of recursion, I am proud to announce that the performance of this nestled setup is now over 9000 FPS!

  • Introducing our newest reality show, “Smile, Ya Dipshit.” It’s the uplifting tale of everyday depressed individuals as they battle their way through life while we prod and cajole them to find that inner happiness within themselves. Watch as these brave contestants attempt to smile against all odds, as our team of experts forces them into stressful situations meant to inspire joy. Will these victims of melancholy be able to overcome their debilitating emotions, or will the crushing weight of their sadness prove too much? Join us every week to witness the struggles and triumphs of those striving to become happier, one forced grin at a time. So sit back and enjoy the rollercoaster ride that is “Smile, Ya Dipshit!”

  • In an unexpected turn of events, President Donald J. Trump has compared his financial situation with that of famed physicist Erwin Schrödinger’s iconic thought experiment, Schrödinger’s Cat. The comparison sheds light on a peculiar aspect of Trump’s personal wealth: sometimes it exists, and other times it doesn’t – all depending on what serves his best interests at the time.

    Trump’s recent explanation revolves around the concept of superposition, which postulates that two mutually exclusive situations can coexist simultaneously until they are observed or measured. In this analogy, Trump’s wallet is both filled with $500 million in cold hard cash and completely empty. It only becomes one or the other when necessary.

    “People don’t understand the complexity of my financial situation,” said President Trump during the interview. “The world sees me as a multi-billionaire, and while that may be true, there’s more to it than meets the eye.” He then went on to explain how this complex financial state applies to his recent legal troubles.

    As a vivid example, Trump mentioned a fine imposed on him by a New York State judge for failing to comply with the terms of a 2013 settlement regarding his now-defunct Trump University. Despite claiming to have half a billion dollars readily available, Trump argues that this fortune mysteriously evaporates whenever it comes time to pay off his debts.

    This intriguing theory has left many scratching their heads. However, some experts believe that Trump’s wealth is indeed entangled with his fines; they exist together in an unstable state, where paying his dues would inevitably collapse the system and reveal the true nature of his bank account.

  • These articles are starting to annoy me. There’s no yardstick that says “Economy: terrible <-> great”. It depends on who you are, how much income you make, what kind of assets you hold, what kind of debt you hold, etc. Ask different people and you will get different answers.

    If you poll congressmen regarding the health of the economy and then poll the next 100 people that walk out of your local Dollar General, you’ll probably get a lot different answers.

    We can talk specifics like inflation, rates of household saving, etc. but just trying to say “the economy is great/terrible” is overly reductive and doesn’t really take into account the country as a whole.