• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • It’s been a busy week so far. Trying to tidy my flat before an inspection next week as well as get some reporting done before a deadline tomorrow (it won’t be done in time but their expectations aren’t particularly reasonable so doing what I can). Got to do a Hackathon today based around a potential new system which was exciting! It’s so much better than what we have at the moment.

    Going to Amsterdam on Friday for the weekend, really looking forward to it

  • Hope you feel better soon @alyaza!

    Been off here for a bit as things got busy with work and choirs, but now things are starting to relax a bit ahead of Christmas which is good.

    My niece was born at the end of November, was nice to meet her even if I’m not a baby fan (they’re so warm though! Had no idea). Looking forward to her being out of nappies/able to talk so I can bond with her a bit.

    Had the first Christmas concert of the season last week which went well, always in awe of the orchestra we play with, they’re so talented that I forget I’m supposed to be singing. Have two carol concerts week after next which will be fun.

    Seeing some comedy this weekend and next week which I’m looking forward to.

  • Busy week for me so far and I am knackered. Been out and about with work which is nice but it’s so tiring being sociable on a Monday, usually I work from home in my pyjamas. Finally got an answer regarding my salary, it’s not going down in April after all. I think appealing to my director did it, for a manager she is pretty great.

    Performing in a concert on the weekend as well as doing a choral workshop so I will be amazed if I can speak on Sunday. Going to a work conference up north(ish) next week which will be fun. Staying in a relatively posh hotel overnight and cannot wait.

  • It’s been a long week. Quarterly reporting time so I haven’t really stopped. It’s been good though, very productive. I went to a show last night which was great fun, just what I needed.

    Also finally found a form of fibre craft that I can do- loom knitting. Makes such a difference to not have to rely on hand eye coordination, turns out mine is worse than I thought! So looks like the baby hat will be ready for my niece after all.

  • Still ill, annoyingly. It’s just a cough now but every time I go to choir I can’t speak the day after. I know I need to rest my voice but I can’t miss a rehearsal without not being allowed to perform at the concerts.

    Speaking of, got an invite to potentially sing in Hiroshima as part of the 80th anniversary of the bombing in 2025. It costs a huge amount to travel there but may be a once in a lifetime opportunity. Not sure whether to go for it.

    Otherwise I’m ok. Meeting at work last week went ok, they’re going to try and get some clarity to me before Christmas.

  • Better than last week in that I feel almost back to normal. Never had a chest infection before (that wasn’t Covid) but it was like being hit by a truck, wonder if having had Covid twice makes me more susceptible to these things now. Or maybe I’m just getting older.

    I will know if I have a future at my work by the end of the week which is slightly nerve wracking. My job is safe but due to the restructure my salary is protected only until April, when it decreases by a fair bit. I am handing my notice in after Christmas if management don’t agree to keep my salary at the same level as I’ve worked too long and hard there to be treated like shit salary wise. Hoping it won’t come to that but we’ll see. Meeting management this week and making my case as it’s budget time.

  • Not had a great week, not been very well. I’ve had what feels like a chest/throat infection and it’s made me knackered. Had hardly any appetite and haven’t felt like going to choir was a good idea (don’t want to infect anyone) so have had barely any good things to get me through it.

    I don’t really get sick but when I do it hits me like a truck. Slowly getting better but I’m very impatient.