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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Don’t condescend to me. I understand the link between government and capital and am not an american.

    What are you even proposing anyways? I am against government oppression and copyright law in general. All private property is theft from the commons. But in the meantime I will use a VPN because I trust Mullvad in Sweden more than I trust my own ISPs.

    If I was committing crimes that were more serious then I would not use a VPN I would use a more robust security model.

    My ISP is not powerless without government. They have massive power, they control 1/3rd of all cellular and internet communications. And like I said also control large amounts of satellite TV and cable broadcasting.

  • Well there are only three isps here and yes I understand what you are saying but. It never gets as far as government force it doesn’t have too. The ISP will drop me.

    Also the ISP is the media company lots of the time, and its only a crime that will go to court and win if I made money distributing copyrighted material.

    I don’t want my ISP to know much about what I’m doing either. They aren’t trustworthy, they often get caught illegally shaping traffic and such too.

  • I use a VPN to stop work camps I stay at from knowing what porn I watch, to stop media companies from sending me copyright infringement notifications, and to stop public wifis from having as much info on me.

    Its all about threat model. If you’re concerned with government actors then you need to be more secure than just a VPN.

    My countries intelligence agency is not working with media companies like that. The cops and courts would eventually enforce some order against me if it ever went to court but more likely is my ISP just ditches me as a customer if I get too many strikes.

  • Well I mean we know China blocks a ton of info and publishing must pass state censors. And vpns etc aren’t really allowed there. And Chinese corps have some brutal working conditions. I’m not saying there aren’t things China has done right that we should look into but I don’t see them as a shining example of the working man getting control over his own destiny.

    I will give that book a read but I disagree with your assertion that china, or the soviet union succeeded in bringing socialism and I’ll continue to work with but never trust leninists maoists etc. due to all the historical violence marxist-leninist revolutionaries have used against anarchists and people who believe like me as soon as they have power of their own.

  • I think people underestimate how much the physical state of your body, ie hormones brain structure etc play in how you make decisions.

    When I was a lad I almost always knew I was making the wrong decisions but felt powerless in the moment to stop myself. I also had basically no concept of the future as a real thing that would happen and could be planned for until I was like 27 or so. Like the logical knowing things part of my brain knew the right moves but the doing things me rarely consulted with knowing things me.

    Not to mention that kids have a serious lack of control over their own destinies.

    I honestly think going back in time with all my memories is one of the worse hells I can imagine. Just doomed to watch myself fuck up in similar ways again and hope that it all works out “OK” this time too.

  • Oh I know that China has lifted lots of people out of poverty and is generally popular with the population. But they engage in massive censorship among other issues and I just can’t see how there can be a democracy (which I consider the most important component to make something socialist) with that degree of control. What I meant with China is it seems to me the state is the capitalists. The state has control over all the means of production in the country and I believe it uses it for its own benefit over the benefits and desires of the workers at those places.

    I guess I’m just an anti-authoritarian first and my issue with capitalism has always been the authoritarian nature in which we parcel out resources and I can’t see bringing up China or northkorea as examples of what I want. Though I do often have to push back against liberal narratives especially about Vietnam and Cuba and China.

    But I’m not a Marxist though I do think he had some good ideas and was skilled at inspiring class consciousness. Ive always been more inspired by anarchist philosphy and go by Libertarian-socialist if forced to pick a name. I just think that we’ve seen now that a dictatorship of the proletariat doesn’t go away and that you trade one state power for the other.

  • Now, is north korea socialist? Do the workers there enjoy democratic control over the means of production? Or really democratic control over anything? I’ll admit that info from North Korea is mostly not great but it seems to me that they are run only by the one ruling family.

    I have similar doubts about china and have always seen it as more state-capitalist than anything else. Simply because it seems to me that individual workers do not own the companies they work at. It seems to me that China has corporations structured almost exactly like our own in the west. Unless I’ve been misled and these massive Chinese corps really are co-ops with the workers having an equal say in the decisions of the company.

  • Its such a philosophical dead end. I know a few people who really want the world to be a simulation but I cant understand why. I think they want an excuse to have nothing matter and be shitty.

    But i would not live my life any differently if we found out that this is a simulation. Because its still real to me and there’s no reason to believe I can exist outside the simulation any more than my sims can exist outside the game.