• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • If you’re talking about the fairness doctrine, it required broadcast networks to devote equal time to both sides of controversial issues. It never applied to opinion shows, which are like 2/3rds of the content on 24 hour cable news networks, and it never applied to cable. You could bring it back tomorrow and it wouldn’t change anything about Fox News.

    There is not, nor has there ever been, a legal ‘standard of truth’ for news media. There shouldn’t be. If you trust the government to decide what is true and punish the media for reporting otherwise, what’s to stop trump or the next trump from weaponizing that? That is why the first amendment exists.

  • You equivocated between the two as if they are both lock step voting the same on all legislation

    I did no such thing. You asked when they ever agree, implying that they never do, and I gave several examples of them agreeing on some pretty bad legislation. Maybe you’re confusing me with someone else. This was our first interaction.

    you had to go back to W W 2

    No I didn’t. SOPA and the DMCA were a few years ago. Patriot act gets renewed every few years with bipartisan support. KOPA is brand new. You’re latching onto the oldest example I gave because it fits your narrative and ignoring the others. Stop that. It makes you look like a dipshit.