😂 ← this one. This is the most aggressive. I’m not even joking. I hate this emoji with a vengeance
😂 ← this one. This is the most aggressive. I’m not even joking. I hate this emoji with a vengeance
you’re a bad person and you should feel bad
I don’t get what the circle is showing.
vegan icecrean is apparently terrible… said no one ever
In a perfect world, where all criminals white or blue are brought to justice under the same hammer, you would have a point and my heart.
But the world is not just; you know that, I know that, they know that.
The people who claw their way to those positions, even if not seeing the lion’s share, should check their alignment. This is a nice check.
come on man, we’re all huge Lucas fans, I know Temple of Doom when I see it
any good reading resources on this?
Can you expand a bit? My understanding of boomer humour is that it’s sexist or racist, but I’m not seeing it here
So there’s real age/mindset-based tension in the trek community over series and/or generational themes - that a joke about nudity is a huge red flag?
your comment
wait, is this a joke now?
Oh wow, I had no idea about the XY incident map. It certainly seems compelling on first glance.
I guess he got swept up in some shared hysteria at the time, went along with it, and then realised which group he was getting swepped up with, and backtracked, cutting ties.
Musk bought twitter to attack progressives in general. He then used it to empower whoever he wanted, and he saw Trump as a means to an end.
They won’t. Blame the last administration, rinse and repeat.
Can engine oil not be repurposed for other things? Like burning it? Or is that stupid