I won’t be using this account anymore as I do not believe the administration of my instance is operating in good faith.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Are RPGs expected to contain lots of art? I’d like to examine that starting point. I admit I only skimmed the article but I didn’t see any analysis of if less art means less sales. I wonder if people are trying to adhere to the standard set in games like D&D and PF, but those have art because they can, not necessarily because they must.

    Blades in the Dark is extremely highly regarded and has some art, but certainly not tons of it. Microscope and Kingdom haven’t got any, as far as I can recall.

  • I’m in quite a high income bracket and by sheer luck bought my house right before the most recent price explosion. My small, poorly built, seventy year old home in a lower middle class neighbourhood is now worth four or five times what I paid. If I was renting, there’s no way I could buy it even though I’m making much more than I did when I got it. I can’t realistically look into upgrading, because the jump in cost to anything nicer is just absurd.

    I have no idea how all this is sustainable and even less idea how our politicians think they can keep ignoring it. I know why they’re ignoring it, but they must be aware how this is going to end if they continue to shrug and look the other way.

  • In my opinion we’re already more or less at the “functional” stage. I can browse the place and shitpost and stay entertained for quite a while, with new content coming in while I do it, so that if I’m so inclined I can spend a full day pissing away my time on lemmy. It’s nowhere near Reddit yet, where I could pick any given topic and read almost infinitely on it, but that’s a function both of time and size, and not a reasonable expectation for a brand new platform. As long as the numbers we have now are sustainable they’ll become self-improving in that direction.

  • It seems to me that the ability to have more than one ring bearer is a mistake, I like the idea of making it swappable. Basically if the ring tempts player 2 and they get a new ring bearer, player 1 loses theirs.

    Somewhat sideways to this - and I haven’t looked at these decks at all so idk if this is already in them - I think the errata-free solution would be to have a bunch of potent, cheap effects that target ringbearers. Then the “temptation” is to make your ring bearer powerful, but also make them extremely vulnerable.

  • Generally speaking the folks here are right, you should be able to maintain veganism unless things go really sideways. I’d recommend getting in touch with a dietician though if you’re really worried (not a nutritionist, different beast) and having them go over your plans. Iron deficiency is a particular risk, one that can be easily surmounted as long as you’re aware of it… Way harder to keep iron up when pregnant even than usual, and it’s already tough as we all know.