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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • “I have so many reasons it would take me days to go through my file of very good reasons and I have better things to do like comment on Lemmy about Trudeau and all the reasons I have to not like him.”

    I don’t like Trudeau for the same reasons I did before he was elected. He’s a Liberal, and he’s more right wing than I want in a leader. Supporting the oil industry at the expense of our national standing and the environment, and reneging on his promise to end FPTP are also good reasons.

    But I am immediately suspicious of anyone who HATES him or is SO EMBARRASSED by him because they have clearly fallen for a right-wing disinformation campaign against him. They hate him because they’re told about how awful he is because carbon tax and gays and economy.

  • Money. Saved you a click.

    What a terrible article. Literally says a bunch of stuff about affordability, then says “it’s not all about affordability”, then immediately cites an example that IS about affordability.

    “I can live in my dream home and still walk to the bar” is 100% affordability. There are tons of areas of Toronto where that is possible. The problem? You can’t afford them.

    People move out of the city because they can’t get what they want at a price they can afford, and they aren’t willing to concede on those things to stay. That’s it. Every other reason is a statistical aberration.

    If significantly more people are leaving, it’s not because there are new reasons. It’s because more people have crossed that threshold due to delayed life starts, stagnant wages and skyrocketing housing costs.

    Articles like this are a waste of column inches that could be spent on talking about why people can’t afford those things. Instead of acting like the mystery is why people are leaving, investigate the actual issue of why they can’t afford to stay.

  • If you wore a shirt that says “there is no god” you would likely be sent home. It’s antagonistic, regardless of how you feel on the issue.

    I know if I was a 7th grader and this stupid little shit and his dickhead friends wore this into class, I would feel it was equally antagonistic, except far worse because it seeks to upset a minority that is already going through the wringer.

    It runs contrary to the purpose of a school, which is to educate. Your other examples are more of a case-by-case thing, but if a Christian student said they were offended by that shirt, then the student might be asked to not wear it in the future.

  • shinratdr@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlsIGmA BeHaiovouR
    3 months ago

    Most people.

    Also the majority of people even on PC play vanilla. When will people who mod understand this. MOST PEOPLE DON’T MOD. That’s not even counting the people who did mod when they had the time to fuck around with stuff like that and no longer do, like myself.

  • Loblaws operates their primary banner stores in all the most populous areas of Canada, and they operate grocery stores under some sort of banner in every province and territory.

    Safeway is American and only operates in Western Canada, Save-On-Foods is also in Western Canada only. Both are much smaller than Loblaws.

    So basically, scale & name recognition. I know people hate the “GTA is the centre of the universe” thing as well, but Loblaws is the “expensive” grocery store in southern Ontario, which contains our national capitol and the capitol of our biggest province, which is also the HQ of all of our national newspapers and public TV station. So it will get special legislative & media attention too.

  • shinratdr@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlYes, but
    3 months ago

    I think the problem with capitalism isn’t the cool stuff that has been produced under it, it’s everything else about it. Literally the only reason to forgo buying a MacBook or a Google Home device as some sort of anti-capitalism spite move is to have the upper hand in conversations like this. In reality, you not making those purchases won’t move the needle in any way. If it did, it would be in the negative. Our entire economic system and system of employment relies on making purchases like that. Consumer spending is the economy.

    Fundamentally there is no difference between buying an iPhone vs any other phone in terms of its support for capitalism. If anything, an iPhone might be better. Apple actually inspects its factories and at least pays lip service to stopping the most egregious abuses like forced or child labour. That white box Chinese android phone? If anything was built by forced or child labour, it’s that.

    So targeting individuals for their purchases is both pointless and counterproductive. If you want to affect change, then vote, protest, organize. Push for and support proper regulation and controls. Make it so that people’s employment isn’t required for them to get healthcare, services, shelter. Make it so that an economic recession impacts those with the most, not those with the least.

    Stressing about trying to make the least capitalist choice under a capitalist system just does exactly what they want you to do. The more time you spend judging your neighbour, the less time you spend looking up and see who’s really fucking you.