sempersigh [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2020


  • I’ve been working a lot and haven’t caught up properly in awhile but what’s the deal with the delay with this Iranian response?

    It seemed to me about a week ago that not only was it a sure thing, but there were also signals that this one was gonna be different as they were being a lot more guarded with their plans and it seemed like the prospect of war wasn’t even a dealbreaker.

    Since then I’ve heard a lot of noise about how Iran has since tempered it’s potential response and seeks a response that doesn’t cross the line.

    Perhaps there’s an internal debate within the Iranian elite upper echelons/military guys? I know the new Iranian president is from the more moderate wing and seeks closer ties to the west in the long run but I imagine the amount of pressure he’s under to not capitulate is extremely significant