that makes sense. those connectors would have to be pretty huge
Hi, I’m sbird! I like to make all sorts of things!
that makes sense. those connectors would have to be pretty huge
sad. now we use RECTANGLES to record funny videos instead of cylinders.
oh cool
oh interesting
yeah those pc plugs are nice. if someone figured out a way for the cable to detect whether a device is 230/240V or 120V and make it stop giving power if there’s a mismatch, that would he really cool. sadly, that’s probably not possible, and even if it was, it wouldn’t be widely adopted. sad.
i wonder how many pins could you fit with modern technology on something the size of a 30-pin connector? would that mean you could get more data/power being transferred? (the wire would have to get way thicker though)
oh yeah usb has loads of pins for data. no wonder barrel jacks were never used to transfer data…
oh yeah designing an idiot-proof power plug that can be rotated 360 degrees would be challenging ad well
woah that’s a very in-depth answer. yeah makes sense that cylindrical connectors aren’t actually designed to rotate a bunch. I assume it would be something similar to weird crackling sound when you turn an 3.5mm jack cable too hard?
wdym? I did say the advantage of USB-C was a universal standard. that’s definitely why everything uses USB-C, much more convenient.
My later paragraphs were focusing on a theoretical cylindrical wall plug (hence the comparison with the euro plug, schuko, uk plug, etc). sorry if just “plug” wasn’t clear.
idk, honestly any worldwide wall plug standard would be amazing, I wish the governments of the world focused on issues as simple as these
another downside to cylindrical usb plugs would probably be thinness, USB-C ports are quite a bit flatter and suits thinner devices a lot more
fair point, makes sense
ooh yes that’s a good idea. I can probably experiment with different colour palettes. maybe even a high contrast toggle option???
probably. I’ve searched around and there seems to be a few plugins for connecting OVOS with HA. no idea if those let you control devices though. Hopefully OVOS (and others like it) eventually develop into a worthy alternative to Alexa/Google/Siri!
oh this counts as self promotion, should I delete the post then? really sorry about this
not sure, OVOS and Mycroft were the only two that was mentioned a lot online. There aren’t many good voice assistants that aren’t Alexa/Google/Siri so those two are your best options
they do look really lightweight. The only downsides are the price and the fact that you can only use it for one person (since each one has a face mold custom to your face)
oh i didn’t know that apple wanted to use audio kacks for keyboards and mice, i only thought it was some of the ipods