Sapphiria 🏳️‍⚧️ [she/her]

Software dev, hobbyist programmer, and video game enjoyer. Socially anxious mess.

Pronouns: she/her


Guild Wars 2: Sapphiria.5643

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I wrote about my experience here if anyone is interested in reading. The short version is that Life is Strange got me to actively question whether I was trans, as a result of me being absolutely obsessed with it and trying to figure out why I related so much to characters that were nothing like me on the surface. In all honesty, if it weren’t Life is Strange, it would have been something else. But that sure did speed up the process a bit.

    It took me 3 years after asking myself directly if I was trans. I felt the need to figure things out independently for some reason. Partly out of shame and internalized transphobia I suppose.

    I’ve been wanting to write more about it too - particularly about the weeks following that realization, which consisted of multiple revelations/epiphanies from recontextualizing things that had happened in my past under this new lens of understanding.

  • One of the funniest signs for me was when trying to design a VR game with a friend. For some background, it was a first person game where you can play pool remotely with others. With more of an emphasis on the social aspect than the game of pool. Didn’t end up getting past the design phase though (yay ADHD).

    At some point in our conversation, I brought up player character model - whether you should even have one, what is should look like, etc. I mentioned being able to select or change gender of this model, but he seemed a bit confused by that, and told me it would feel a bit wrong or uncomfortable in VR to look down at yourself and see a different gender. This confused the shit out of me, so I responded something like, “Really? I’d actually prefer looking down and seeing myself as a woman.”

    It would be another few years before my egg finally cracked.

  • Life is Strange - At least the original, the sequels are not quite as unique. It’s an interactive story (though still in 3D) where you can rewind time to redo conversations, effectively making “save scumming” a core mechanic. The designers use the fact that you deliberate on your own actions quite well. The story is also pretty unique, but unfortunately there isn’t a good way to explain why without spoiling any of it.

    Inscryption - On the surface, this seems like your run of the mill card game. But once you get familiar with the mechanics, some other genres start blending with it.

    Edit: Should also add:

    A Normal Lost Phone - The premise is that you find a phone that someone has lost, and you can use it to slowly uncover the story of the person who lost it and why.