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Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Holocaust victims were people targeted by the government of Nazi Germany based on their ethnicity, religion, political beliefs, disability or sexual orientation For specified groups like the Jews, genocide was the Nazis’ primary goal. According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), the Holocaust was “the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jewish men, women and children by the Nazi regime and its collaborators”.[1]

    Including 7.8 million soviet civilians and POWs in the count kind of seems like a revisionist definition of what the holocaust was to include anyone killed in the war. To undermine how much focus was on the jews pre-war.

  • Thats flat out wrong.

    They don’t want to replace them entirely. But just maybe move funding to services to help those having mental health issues rather than paying to train cops to shoot the first time they’re scared then send them in to deal either erratic people having mental health issues will lead to better outcomes for everyone.

    When cities can’t afford services to help people, because policing is taking up a massive portion of their budget, then it’s a broken system that needs correction.