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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 26th, 2024


  • It seems like the entire charade, this time around, is just pointing to some sort of Dems/Repub alliance to get rid of the false 2 party state.

    “Look, I don’t like it anymore than you do, but really we aren’t that different? We are fighting for the same things! And there is no way we can defeat the terrorists or the forces of cultural Marxism alone. It’s time we joined forces, and make America the BEST it’s ever been! Make America Great Again (Maga)! Make America For Whites Again(MAFWA)!”

    It will be the Maga MAFWA coalition government. Or since coalition is a “big” word, the partnership government.

  • I’m attempting to be self-employed in the very near future. And one question I keep asking myself is “where do I find clients?”. So, obviously I’ll have a website, some sort of social media,etc. But, some of my target clients will be businesses/organizations…

    And every time, without fail, I’ll think “hmm, LinkedIn is a good place to find businesses to reach out too”. But the first thing I see is always some variation of this insane bullshit. Is it a requirement to embellish that badly?

    Like, what am I supposed to do with that information? There must be a better way? Or do I need to start saying:

    " Business is much like the chicken on my sandwich: covered in sauce which has too much fat. People, like little Abby at the orphanage, see my sandwich and say, “there’s too much mayo”, to that I say, “you don’t know sandwiches the way I do”. Without fail, the orphans are always enthralled. They see that all they need to do is make a better sandwich, learn about the fats in sauces, and work hard. They volunteer their time making sandwiches for me, so they can get the experience. And then, they go and start their own business, rising out of poverty."

    “I have done this no less than 5 times already. And each time, the orphanage renames itself after my sandwich business “sloppy seconds”. It’s amazing what a little hard work can do.”

    “DM me if you would like to learn more.”

    I think that’s unhinged enough. Let me know what you think!

  • I for one think we should continue with the way things are. Obviously the people who own companies like Tesla and Amazon are better than us. We should be happy to have a job tbh. Seriously, why would I want to be burdened with decisions like whether or not I get healthcare, or whether or not food and education is accessible. We are better off letting the market decide. If education was so important, wouldn’t the market find a way to make money off of it?

  • Buddy here doesn’t understand that you can support democracy for the workers without simping for some socialist project. Nor can he comprehend that criticism of political economies leads to a better understanding of things .

    The liberal mindset of us vs them, as if there are two teams. Though to be fair this is partially true. It is us, the workers of the world, versus them, those who own and control the world. Solidarity among us who must work to survive is the only way to liberate ourselves from those who seek only power and profit.

    Criticise every project, and your own beliefs. Learn from the mistakes you and others have made. And act with compassion.

    Or regurgitate western propaganda what do I know.

  • rando895@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlCome on Barbie lets go Party
    7 months ago

    This thread is lit. I’m going to list 4 arrangements of the economy. If you are interested in participating, name what you think each one is:

    1: A small group of people own the lands that are worked by another group of people. The leader of these owners is chosen via divine right. The people who work the land keep what they make, however for protection they must work other lands and do not keep what is made from them

    1. A small group of people hold dominion of a large group of people. The large group must work for food, lodging, etc. and are forced to do so by the threat of death and physical punishment. They do not get to keep what they make, the economic situation is determined by the generosity of those who hole dominion over them

    2. A small group of people own the majority of wealth in the form of businesses, factories, goods, etc. They purchase the time of a much larger group of people who sell their labour to make ends meet. The small group decides what to do with the excess goods, services, and money.

    3. A large group of people own the businesses, factories, goods, etc. These people work to make ends meet and decide collectively (democratically or through other means) what to do with the excess goods services, money, etc.

    I hope these are both clear and vague enough. Good luck!

  • rando895@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlImportant PSA
    7 months ago

    If you believe one is wealthier because they deserve it, through success, hardwork, etc , then shouldn’t these apparent shining examples of success also be held to a higher standard?

    Or should we somehow decide the economic cost of someone doing something illegal, then charge everyone that? For example: the risk of speeding increases quadratically (E =1/2mV^2), the higher the speed. I.e the risk of death. Do we then set a speed limit, anything above which is considered illegal. Above this level, a fine or charge is incurred based on the likelihood of a crash killing someone upto and including the cost of one’s life.

    But then it’s legal to kill someone if you are wealthy enough, and the poor are inherently the most moral group.

    Or we could flat fine it; which disproportionately punishes the poor. Which is like saying “ohh you are poor and that’s your fault, just like speeding. Get fucked lol”.

    I’m sure that there are other options but it’s a good idea to consider the potential ramifications of fees, fines, and other punishment structures, and how they influence the society we live in.

  • I don’t know why this is surprising. Capitalism is an economic system where the goal is profit. So, why would capital do anything other than seek profit? Nearly all technological advances have occurred through government or institutional investments, then capital flocks to it when someone finds a way to profit from it.

    Thinking block chain is a solution to anything is naive. It does nothing to change the underlying system, or the incentives that drive our economy. Like any system, the interconnections between the things that make up the system, and the goal of the system must change otherwise everything will just settle back to the status quo.

    For example: media streaming is becoming cable tv again. Nothing fundamentally changed about the system of delivering media, or the goal of the system which is to drive profit. Thus, we are moving quickly back to the same model of paying for media (renting it really) and watching ads to increase the revenue of the provider

  • rando895@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlMath
    8 months ago

    That’s true in some cases, like being anti-microsoft doesn’t mean I love Linux. But when you are against an ideology that opposes the othering of groups of people to the point of mass suffering and murder that’s different.

    Choosing not to support a fight against Fascism is inherently in support of Fascism. The ideology uses manipulation and violence to oppress people, the end goal being a hyper capitalistic ethno state. So opposing the force which seeks to overcome fascism makes it easier for fascism to prevail.