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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • “He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died.”

    This one just pisses me off. It’s framed so dishonestly.

    I can recall extremely specific things about when people I know died. What the weather was, what I was wearing, what video game I was playing when I heard the news, and so on. But I couldn’t necessarily pull the right year out of my brain without checking. Or necessarily even the date for some people.

    I promise that Biden remembers the death of his son in whatever specific way is meaningful to him. It might not be “on this day/month/year.” It might be “on a Tuesday” or might be “a cold snowy day when I was baking bread.” I have no idea. But this just isn’t how memory works, and it’s hurtful, evil even, to print something that dishonest. It boils my blood to read such dishonest reporting.

  • Dictatorships are not intrinsically bad.

    You can have good dictators, even if they are rare.

    Hard disagree there.

    But it really depends on what you value as good and bad.

    For instance, if you think that people have an inherent right to have a say in how they are governed, then a dictatorship can never be good because it infringes on that right in the most serious of ways.

    If you think a stable and sustainable system of government that will last beyond the life of a few leaders is important, then dictatorship is not a good system, because one good dictator creates no guarantee that the next dictator will be good, and establishing a system of dictatorship affords a bad dictator that much more power to ruin lives.

  • The original point I made

    The only point you’ve made is that you’re a bigot who is not interested in honest discussion. And you keep making it by repeating the same bullshit.

    Grow a thicker skin for fucks sake you absolute child.

    Says the guy whining about mods deleting his content.

    I’ll hand it to you – you’ve put on a masterclass-worthy performance of a bigot having a breakdown because nobody takes him seriously. You’ve blamed me, you’ve blamed the mods, and you’ve blamed lemmy. The only person who hasn’t done anything wrong here is you.

    When everyone in the world is giving you problems, it’s time to consider that maybe you’re the problem. And if the users and mods on lemmy are too harsh for you, then maybe you should go back to Truth Social or wherever the big-brained adults like yourself hang out.

  • No, man.

    You came in here posting absolutely disgusting ableist slurs and spewing discriminatory bullshit that’s not true. Then after you get called out on it by everyone, you’ve start changing your tune, cherry picking specific circumstances that if that had been what you originally said, we’d have ended up in a different conversation. But instead we’re having this garbage conversation that you decided to start.

    And as for “hey look, people used this word in the 60s all the time!” I’ll point you to every other slur, whether ableist, racist, sexist, or whatever. You know what? People used them all in the past with impunity. That doesn’t make it ok to use them today.

    Instead of just Googling things that support your prejudice and confirm your existing biases, try searching for the counterarguments.

  • I think it’s a tragedy that we let people who are borderline retarded cast ballots at all.

    You deserve to get lambasted for that. That’s a horrible thing to say.

    The very core of democracy is the idea that individuals have the right to make choices in how they live their lives, and that the power to govern derives from the consent of the government. What you’re saying is that there’s an arbitrary line of intelligence below which you don’t accept someone’s ability to consent, and you deny their right to make choices about their lives.

    I think that’s the tragedy here.