People are assuming I just have my passwords littered out on open desktop and in My Documents? Little naive to assume so, when there exists and I have used programs like TrueCrypt to encrypt partitions of private data including those passwords in. Like, good luck getting through that. And, what more, is that master passwords are stored in expansive media and not just strewn about for anyone to just grab and use. They’re never on my desktop nor any system I use.
So please, don’t just assume I am that careless…
And no I will still not use a password manager.
Look, Mark has royally screwed up Facebook. Any respect or honor with the guy has long been lost. Why even give him a second chance when it’s obvious he’s going to do the same thing with Threads?
His Metaverse failed. His Facebook/Meta thing failed.
He is a huge red alert to be involved or close to the very things we’re trying to recover and escape to from things he has contaminated. Why chance associating with him?