Senior software guy. Android app/system, cloud, DevOps, IoT, embedded, automotive.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • It’s an analogy. It’s inaccurate as all analogies are. Yet it’s useful to make the point that banning children from doing X or Y isn’t unprecedented or unacceptable.

    Kids go to school for much more than what they learn in class. A fully formed human being that can function in a society requires a lot of social interaction training. That’s what school is for in-between classes. If kids are staring down their phones during that time instead of interacting with each other, that training is lost. Worse, instead of that, they get trained on a false social reality as portrayed by whatever enshittified platform they’re currently on, based on whatever behavior makes the most money today. Is this enough to visualize the damage phones in hallways cause?

  • Agreed. I’ll keep shitting on the Nazis.

    But seriously, your post makes some strong assumptions with nothing to back them up. For example that depriving advertisers from impressions from a shit ton of users (due to the missing content) and therefore depriving Reddit from that revenue would hurt less than leaving those impressions but attach more garbage content to the ads. If anything, more enshittified platforms like Facebook and garbage media like Fox have proven that advertisers can live with quite a bit of shit around their ads. And so the assertion that this is some 4D chess move on the side of the Nazis doesn’t hold water for me.

    The time-limited strike argument is also flimsy. Nothing stops the mod community to do this again next week for longer or even indefinitely. The time limit doesn’t guarantee Reddit that this won’t happen again and for longer. And so I don’t see how that’s less scary than indefinite strike.