Some stuff I decided to put on codeberg.

Also, high five if you recognize the fucking hell hole that is that background landscape.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • I’m just saying someone new in software development reading the comment I replied may misinterpret part of what they are saying as “all open source software is trustable” and reinforce that notion.

    I’m not saying that lemmy devs have a higher chance of doing it bc they are tankies or whatever, no. They have no history of doing that and the project is so big and important that they really wouldn’t risk it; it is indeed a bit silly to defend my point in this specific thread, now that I think about it.

    also, like @minimar said, it’s not how it works. most kind of obfuscation in open source code actually makes it easier to identify it as harmful. they are also found in libraries 99% of the time, not at the open source software repo itself. also, rust has no history of any harmful library.

    anyway, sorry if I gave the wrong idea haha. just looking out for people who might have that notion, like I had.

  • Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead isn’t really indie, it is straight up Open Source and a freaking good roguelike. The DDA variant focus heavily on the realism aspect of survival, but there are forks that try to gamefy it more.

    There is also Rain World, which I am addicted for 3+ months now. It is also on sale, but before you buy it, know that you are going to die A LOT, but it really isn’t a big issue; it’s actually funny most times lol. Great lore too.

    And one that I’ve rooted for a long time and I think flopped hard in its release is Below, but I very much still love it.

    Also, one that I played for a bit last week and the soundtrack slaps hard is APE OUT.

    How did I forget about Noita? This one is a masterpiece. Crafting a wand just to fucking obliterate yourself out of existence .3 seconds later is just chef’s kiss. Also hämis.