• 16 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2019

  • The US is the model for settler-colonialism in the modern era, itself being explicitly based on the Roman empire, with a slave-holding aristocracy holding political power, and granting free land and status to those willing to participate in its imperial project.

    There have been challenges throughout US history against this rule by aristocracy, but all of them lost at various points, and are now on life support. It genocided its indigenous inhabitants and stole their land. The Civil war was a challenge between two right-wing systems: capitalism and slavery, although slavery was reinstated during the reconstruction era. Its communist-left was purged and eliminated by the 1960s, its union movement predictably died soon after in the 1970s, the anti-war left died in the 1980s.

    There has never been the equivalent of a “red-scare” but for the right-wing, because the US is a right wing country and does not permit a public platform of left-wing views. Its a one-party state where both parties are “fluid”, one acting as the “foil” / controlled opposition against the one which currently reflects the more overt interests of its aristocracy.

    I highly suggest reading Settlers, an Indigenous people’s history of the US, and Zak Cope - Divided world divided class, for some of the underpinnings of the US’s “master-race democracy”.

  • Muad'Dibber@lemmygrad.mlOPtoMemes@lemmy.mlUS elections be like
    3 months ago

    Elections in bourgeois democracy are nothing but political theatre, because ultimately capitalists stand above and control the political system to suit their interests. There is no don’t commit genocide, bomb countries, or exploit the global south option in any imperial core country, and if there is, they don’t last for long because of the hundreds of impediments to democracy (which the greeks properly saw as rule by the poor, not this sham popularity)

    The ancient greeks knew this, and considered representative/election-based governments as nothing but sham popularity contests that serve the oligarchy. Aristotle even defined democracy as “rule by the poor”, and wouldn’t consider our liberal “democracies” as being democratic at all.

    Communists have known this since the 1800s, but even modern liberal studies like the princeton one show, that voting has no effect on policy, and only dollar / wealthy interest groups matter.

  • Many liberal countries have these alternative voting systems, and it means nothing. Australia and Japan for example use alternate voting systems, and yet are still far-right countries who are killing indigenous movements and have extremely unpopular governments.

    The root problem is that in liberal countries, capitalists stand above the political system, and control it for their own purposes. No people’s democracy can emerge from within it, regardless of any system of “checks and balances” or voting systems.