Torture has proven effective, but only before the torture actually starts. Basically, the victim is more likely to divulge good information when they’re anticipating the torture, as an attempt to get out of it. Basically, before the torture, there is still some level of rapport between the victim and the torturer. But once the torture starts, the rapport is gone and the victim will harden themselves and refuse, or intentionally give bad info. Or they will simply say whatever they think the torturer wants to hear to attempt to stop the torture, regardless of whether or not it’s accurate.
Basically, the only time the torturer has any actual trust in the info is when the victim is trying to delay/avoid the torture. Once it starts, the torturer can’t actually trust anything the victim says. If getting info was actually the goal, the torturer could simply start prepping for the torture and never actually start it. Essentially, keep the victim in that initial “if I keep talking I can avoid the torture” phase.
Yeah, the military has to hold regular “you’re not as attractive as you think you are. Know your fucking number” meetings with the people who have security clearance. Basically, they have to be blunt, and straight up tell the people with clearance “you’re a grey and wrinkly old man who smells like wet beef. At the bar after work, you’re a 3. Maybe a 3.5 if you bothered to shower before getting to the bar. If a solid California 10 strikes up a conversation with you at the bar and seems really interested in your work, it’s because she’s a spy.”
They have to hold these meetings because honeypotting is so fucking effective on the sad sacks who have clearance.