meth_dragon [none/use name]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 6th, 2022


  • though geopolitically it feels like we’re more situated in a united provinces -> gb process i think economically it’s more useful to consider the gbp -> usd transition:

    Through its support for the international gold standard, the New York financial community thus encouraged and sustained London’s ultimately futile attempts to remain at the center of world finance… most Western governments shared the conviction that only the re-establishment of the pre-1914 world monetary system, “this time on solid foundations,” could restore peace and prosperity.

    Ironically, however, this concerted effort, instead of reviving the pre-1914 world monetary system, precipitated its terminal crisis… The pursuit of stable currencies under the pressure of “capital flight” eventually turned the stagnation of world trade and production of the 1920s into the slump of the early 1930s.

    seems like we are hereabouts

    … as the dependence of the world’s payment system on the US dollar increased, the United States acquired foreign assets… on private account to over $8 billion. Ultimately, however, the growing structural imbalances of world payments were bound to impair the continuation of the process… The halt in US foreign lending and investment was made permanent by the collapse of the Wall Street boom and the ensuing slump in the US economy. Faced with sudden recalls or flights of short term funds, one country after another was forced to protect its currency, either by depreciation or exchange control. The suspension of the gold convertibility of the British pound in September 1931 led to the final destruction of the single web of world commercial and financial transactions on which the fortunes of the City of London were based. Protectionism became rampant, the pursuit of stable currencies was abandoned, and “world capitalism retreated into the igloos of its nation-state economies and their associated empires.”

  • vibes based discussion

    xi jinping is the second coming of han wudi and drives the american barbarians back across the atlantic into their ancestral homelands

    destroys western civilization once and for all and ushers in era of unprecedented peace and prosperity with world governmental institutions that are just the UN/WB/IMF without anglos in charge

    after like 50 years it all goes to shit because lmao bourgeois counterrevolution/eunuch takeover/bitcoin

    russia annexes china after warlords fail to unite the country after another 50 odd years of fighting (we get cool literature though)

    russia becomes chinese, the prophesied han-byzantine empire comes to pass, no one gives a shit

    except for the twitter marble statue pfp dudes they mald hard, ukronazis get to claim they were right all along about the asiatic russian hordes