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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • but the US knew Saddam had chemical weapons

    Yes, I know… the US knew about every gallon of mustard gas and sarin Saddam had - not only did the US provide intelligence to Saddam to specifically help his use of the stuff during the Iran-Iraq War be more effective, they could also literally read almost every damn ciphered communique of the Iraqi army at the highest levels thanks to the fact that Iraq used compromised ciphering machines bought from the CIA front company Crypto AG in Switzerland.

    They knew perfectly well Saddam had destroyed all his stockpiles - if he hadn’t, Bush would have never dared to invade Iraq.

  • everyone that holds any left wing principles

    Ther is only one left-wing principle of any relevance to this discussion - the challenging and dismantling of systems of power and privilege. There is also only one right-wing principle of any relevance to this discussion - the protection and expansion of systems of power and privilege. Whether the systems of power and privilege go full-Nazi simply depends on how insecure said systems are at any given moment.

    I just wanted to clear that up because that is how people seem to be interpreting your hard-line stance.

    It’s not a hard-line stance at all - it’s just one with all the clickibait fairy tales stripped away. No, they’re interpreting it that way because a lot of right-wingers are quite shocked when they find out that they are, in fact, pro-status quo right-wingers and not the (supposed) “enlightened centrists” they believed themselves to be. We call right-wingers reactionaries for a reason.

  • There’s a real chance that this attack was successful because of intelligence passed through former US President Donald Trump.

    Pretty irrelevant at this stage.

    The attack did not represent the will of everyone who lives in Palestine.

    Palestinians have every right to fight back against a genocidal settler-colonialist state. They do not need your permission or approval to do so.

    The response from Israel so far has been wildly disproportionate and has labelled everyone in Gaza as an enemy

    The settler-colonialist state of Israel has treated all Palestinians as an enemy “other” in their quest for Zionist ethno-fascist lebensraum since 1949 - no one has a right to be surprised by this now.

  • Which are two leftist ideas.

    Neither of these…

    realistic universal basic income and a nationlized medical system.

    …are leftist ideas at all. A government having to shoulder the burden of dealing with the consequences of capitalism isn’t leftist (UBI). Neither is a state doing the bare minimum of what states have always been supposed to do (state-run healthcare).

    But this…

    Our current system trys to stem the amount of abusers

    …ie, focusing on the miniscule amount of “abuse” done by the people without power and privilege in a society as opposed to the gargantuan amount of damage caused by those with power and privilege - now that is textbook punch-down-kiss-up right-wing ideology speaking.

    So far, the only ideological understanding you have expressed here (so far) is a right-wing one.

  • or left-center and still support free markets and capitalism.

    Absolutely not. There is no such thing as “leftist capitalism.”

    What is left and right is really simple - you are either for dismantling systems of power and privilege (left) or you are protecting systems of power and privilege (right). The (so-called) “center” is merely politics that performs the latter while pretending to sympathize with the former.

    Believe it or not, it’s possible for a person to hold right and left ideals simultaneously.

    No, it isn’t - you can’t be “half-pregnant.” If your politics protects power and privilege it’s perfectly clear what politics you ascribe to… it doesn’t matter what you may personally feel about this or that irrelevant little disagreement you may have with your fellow travellers regarding the details. A person that believes abortion should only be allowed “in cases of rape” is no less right-wing (ie, misogynist and patriarchal in this case) than a person that wants it abolished altogether.

  • openly of removing the nation of Israel off the face of the earth, and you could therefore relatively easily label their actions as genocidal

    “Israel” is a national entity ruled over by a state - calling for the destruction of a classical liberal nation state (never mind a colonialist-settler project masquerading as one) isn’t genocide in any shape or form. You might as well argue that people calling for the abolition of the Apartheid-state were “calling for genocide.”

    Legally, genocide is not a particularly fruitful term

    Not everything is about legality - we all know who writes the laws and for whose benefit they are written.