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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Ugh yes. Last time, about 4 years ago, it just felt like stretchy pressure.This time, about a week ago, the NP remarked that I was awfully dry, but even after she lubed the speculum it felt like she was trying to rip me apart.

    sex, way tmi

    (Which is honestly what any sort of penetration feels like nowadays; I can use enough lube to stain the sheets and still feel like I’m riding a roll of sandpaper. I’m only 38 ffs!)

  • How many people are going to still post death threats, character assassinations, or make racist or sexist comments.

    Plenty! People like that aren’t ashamed. They’re proud to be in the group of people who actually count as human in their worldview.

    is that something we would want?

    The only effect would be to stifle everyone else. If everything you say online is tied to your real identity, many people would have to be the most bland, professional, worksona version of themselves to protect (a) their ability to earn income, and (b) their safety. People talking about their experiences with abortion would put themselves at risk of harassment, eviction, prosecution, and violence. Someone seeking support as they discern their gender identity is now outed to family, employers, people with social and/or economic power over them. When anyone from a marginalized group dares to post, it’ll be just like speaking in real life: if someone’s facts and tone are less than perfection, they (and the entire group which they’re assumed to represent) will be dismissed as intellectually inferior or too emotional.

  • The concept is interesting, but the execution is stressful just to look at. My brain already feels scrambled and chaotic inside, no way I could function with a scrambled and chaotic exterior environment. Also that pattern would hide dirt and grime so well that how would you know when the surfaces are clean? Scrub forever? Yikes.