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Cake day: June 5th, 2024

  • Agreed. I don’t know where the idea that culture is sacred came from but the shit needs to die.

    IMO your job, as a part of any new generation, is to take the grey plate of shit called culture your parents hand you, and scrape of the bit of spice off the top into a jar for your shelf. You know the good bits, the holidays, the food, the art. You keep it for when family, or friends come over.

    Then you take the rest of that plate, you look your parents in the eye, and you throw that fucker as hard as you can into the trash where it belongs. Better yet douse it with gasoline, and chase the sonnuvaremoved with a match.

    Anyone who says otherwise needs to do their part.

    Edit: fucker is aight, but sunnovaremoved isn’t?

  • You can sit here and have an argument about Nyquist-Shannon, but it isn’t relevant for lots of music made in the past 40 years since it was made or recorded digitally.

    If your work was made with a DAW there’s no point to analog.

    I’ve got a record from a smaller artist somewhere that I swear has fucking mp3 compression in it, because they don’t know how to export their shit like an adult.

  • I don’t doubt that. Handling large groups of kids, especially in the summer when they’ve got nowhere else to go, all while keeping a vital resource to the community alive.

    Admittedly that was a shitty way to paint librarians, so sorry about that.

    That being said, a bad cop can do a lot more damage to a community than a bad librarian.

  • Lmao, you need a fucking masters to catalogue and check out books to local schoolchildren but you don’t need it to be trusted with a badge and a gun.

    We’re so fucked dude.

    Edit: Mentioned in reply to another comment, but sorry for making librarians sound like they don’t do much. My point wasn’t that they’re not important, my point was that they don’t make life or death decisions for random members of the community on the daily.

  • That last bit seems kinda selfish. I mean maybe don’t listen to me because I’m not trans and I wouldn’t know firsthand, but the world seems to be pretty shitty to transfolk.

    Not that you shouldn’t support your trans kids, I just don’t know you should be wishing for something that would probably make their life more difficult.

    I spose in a better world it would be no different than specifically wanting a daughter or a son, but even then gender dysphoria seems like all kinds of not fun.

    Edit: woosh