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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • I don’t know you or your boyfriend, the situation you’re in, the nuances and nature of your relationship or anything else. Therefore I’ll limit myself strictly to substancees you mentioned and the therapeutic potential behind them.

    Medication for ADHD is basically impossible to get in Germany if you don’t pay for it out of your own pocket at a private practitioner. Amphetamine, specifically dextroamphetamine, is a stimulant with serious risk of addiction and won’t be prescribed by anyone other than an expert psychiatrist and only after a rigorous testing. This is not something you can just get a prescription for.

    And anti-depressants oftentimes do have no positive effect while lowering the quality of life with a plethora of significant side effects. This is something that usually does not get talked about. If SSRI’s or SNRI’s don’t work for you, meaning your problem is not serotonine-based, you are fucked. This is not a joke.

    However, since you live in a country with a basic social security net, there are several options for your boyfriend like quitting his job for health reasons, using extended sick leave and several more.

    In regards of your relationship troubles: a possible way forward, should you two so choose, could be a single macrodose of LSD once a week, 200µg at the minimum. That alone will cut his depressive symptoms in half and will get him at a place to understand his own inner workings.

    All of that under the disclaimer that the use is therapeutic and constructive in intent, not abused as a coping and escape mechanism.

  • Psychedelica are very useful in cases of depression, PTSD and such. Methamphetamine is a stimulant that, I can imagine, makes it easier for a depressed person to get to work.

    All in all it’s not a sustainable situation to be in but since you live in the US he probably has no other choice than to keep it up -that- way.

    To make the situation more sustainable:

    • regulate the use of psychedelics into a medical treatment rather an coping mechanism, a single very high dose once a week is all it takes for a therapeutic effect
    • switch from methamphetamine to dextroamphetamine, which is basically an ADHD medication. Still potent, but non-toxic. Maybe check for ADHD if your boyfriend isn’t getting energy from it but rather feels relaxed and resilient.

    Work from there once the situation has stabilized and a constructive plan for the future has been built.

  • Nah, they just went into hiding and it took them 80 years to become openly active again. Like, OPEN-open. Dude still tries to hide it behind a fig leaf but court dismissed all his lawsuits against people calling him a facist and a nazi, because “facist” and “nazi” aren’t insults against him, they just accurately describe his political and ideological views.

    People rush the party that houses him en masse. And as you can imagine, dude’s not the only Nazi in that party. But people are too retarded to see the overlap even when it hits them in the face. Like, low income morons vote for the party whose declared goal it is to reduce social security. Might as well be a sheep voting for the wolf. Fucktards.

  • I’d rather not have an internet argument, but I’ll give you a pointer that you can use to google for more information of the issue is of actual interest to you:

    • Mao, Stalin and Hitler were tyrants that forced their way to leadership and killed everyone who opposed them. Kissinger was the advisor of a terrorist government that existed long before him and will continue to exist.

    • “just said no, and killed that person” is a naive Disney fantasy. In actual reality people that “just say no” get vanished, tortured and killed. And their neighbours suddenly turn reaaally quiet after that. However, there is always a certain joint guitl and complicity, I agree with that. And it weighs especially heavy if “the people” are very free to protest their nation’s terrorism but don’t do so.

    There is a big difference between a single dictator being a plague upon the world for the 10-50 years he’s in power, and an nation with constently changing leadership being a permanent plague upon this world for 100+ years.

    That’s the reason why Kissinger sticks out of the list: Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Kissinger*.

  • To feel smart. Funnily enough, socialism really has it pretty hard trying to get off the ground. The US coups another nation every five years to install some corrupt dictator that’s more than willing to sell out his nation to US interests in exhchange for power. So being hunted down and utterly corrupted by the worlds biggest terrorist nation, calling socialism “never truly tried” is kiiiiiiiiiind of correct. There is a lot of social policies in Europe and those worl pretty well, though US interests and their bootlickers erode those, too.