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Cake day: July 8th, 2024

  • I don’t see it as them endorsing her because they see her as a conservative. I see it as them endorsing her and later retreating to the Democratic party because right now it’s the only party that seems rational for both sides. Let’s be honest the Democrats are more Neoliberal than Democrat. To me, that shift is inching more and more to the right. It feels like setting the stage for a democratic party that is becoming the original ‘reasonable’ conservative values.

    For the love of god I hope you are right. Guess we will wait and see what avenues they take. I feel like the conservative party and name is and will continue to be an irredeemable trash fire because of what MAGA has done to it.

  • Ah yes, Dick Cheney and the Raegan Administration. The pinnacle of morality. It seems people are really ok with brushing off what Cheney and W did with the supreme court and there election against Al Gore. They just did it in a more formal way than Orange Hitler tried to do.

    These people not too long ago were singing praises to the Trump administration. How can you not furl your brow at the endorsement of Kamala. This is just a strategic game for these ghouls.

    As I have said in other replies the writing is on the wall for their party. When the Democrats win I will not be surprised with the mass exodus for these people to the Democratic party.

    I’m simply throwing out concerns I have had with these endorsements and all I have been told so far is to stop or that I am stupid. No one has given me concrete reasons as to why these fears are invalid.

    Again nowhere have I said “don’t vote for Kamala”. I understand the sense of urgency people are feeling. However, this is just putting off the problem. Voting for Kamala does not end the right’s thirst for facisism.

    Kamala wins. What about the election 4 years after? Or 4 years after that? People are tired of nothing changing for them, do you really think that momentum is going to be quelmed? Do you really think less and less people will be not exhausted? Facisism is an ongoing battle but there is clear messaging on the wall for attacks that could cripple it deep.

    I mean Jesus Christ Medicaid for all would surely make people think twice about voting for the party that didn’t give it to them. That’s one of the most popular issues that could give Democrats a slam dunk for years to come. Are they interested in that? Absolutely not.

    I have yet to here any slam dunk policies from the Harris campaign besides " project 2025 bad mmmmkay" which is a given at this point.

    It seems also people forget Kamala’s original campaign promises and how swiftly she has tried to distance herself from them. Which is fucking disappointing.

    These are the same people that fear mongered us into Afghanistan and Iraq for their own personal gain. What makes you think they aren’t doing it here?

  • Wow what’s with the hostility?

    No I am not a troll. These are geniune concerns, have you asked yourself these questions? Not too long ago these people were for Trump and his policies. As late as the 2020 election, They’ve endorsed him before. ( Don’t say that the Insurrection changed their minds. Cheney and W would like to have a word)

    Right now the image of the Republican party is MAGA. There is no changing or escaping that. These evil fucking people see that. If they go down with that ship there is no possibility for them to have a large base behind them and their opinions in the future.

    The Democrats have been Neoliberal for forever. You really see it not as a possibility for them to shift to the right even further? It’s been gradual but it’s happening.

    There is no need for the Democrats to bend to the whim of the people, they are in a really good spot right now compared to the Trump campaign. They placate us with issues like abortion. Then become bloodthirsty on issues like Israel. Even straight up ignoring us on home issues like healthcare and wage growth.

    I mean fuck, Kamala ran on Medicaid for everyone. How quickly she turned on that when the writing was on the wall for her to become the nominee. Now she’s advocating for similar policies as Trump “no tax on tips” for example. It’s fucking exhausting. I am tired of this reach across the aisle bullshit when there is a large untapped left wing base the Democrats refuse to reach to.

    Am I saying she’s worse than Trump? No. However, my brow gets raised when these sorts of people are advocating for her. When Republicans are invited to the DNC to speak. These people were celebrating taking women’s rights away. However it’s an issue so unpopular it has completely screwed the party over in the long run. Yet the Democrats welcome them with open arms.

    Friend these people endorsing her are the very same people that caused us to be where we are and get us a radical president like Trump. Do you really think they are remorsful?

  • This should signal to everyone a shift in the democratic party. it is now the new conservative party, it will continue this way for years to come.

    I mean for fuck sake! Monsters from the Raegan adminsitration are endorsing her. Dick Cheney is endorsing her. This election is an escape pod for these ‘rational’ demons. With each passing day, and each new GOP endorsement to the Harris campaign. Gives me less and less motivations to vote.

    Blue MAGA has become unquestionably supportive of Kamala as red MAGAs are for Trump. No accountability is needed for these folks to cast a vote. What a fucking circus this is.

    I hope you all are ready for climate extinction before we get a presidency with working class people in mind.

    I’m tired boss.

  • You know what. Fair enough. I apologize for my earlier comment, fucked in retrospect.

    Kind of hard to do it though when our media is run by people with similar interests as Trump. Also kind of hard to do that when this man has the literal Republican party nomination. It’s all money. Until that’s out we need to speak out about this man’s ridiculous policies, agenda, and history. If we don’t his cronies (such as the daily wire) do enough water carrying for him to gain a foothold in people’s minds. I feel like educating the public on these policies is important, irregardless of the outcome. I hate vibes voting.

    From my own experience (anecdotal I know) I usually have had success bringing up project 2025 to very far right people in my life. That seems to be a talking point that sticks with people, and it is effective.

    I wish nothing more for people to take him as the unserious RFK like fart in the wind he should be. My very own state is probably trumps biggest fan. However until we get there you put a big bright spotlight on this cockroach and all the dirt and shit he has crawled in. Since our media won’t laugh him out of the race.