• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • It’s a little more complicated for me considering my family once was Republican during Bush’s first term. Rural, Appalachian, Pennsylvanian. I know some of these people most likely. Dumb people who know no better. Manipulated by rich interests. Feeling many pressures no doubt but too uninformed to point the finger at the right problem.

    They Thought Were Free is a great book that explores this ignorance endemic in the Third Reich.

  • You can see them really struggling with the cognitive dissonance in this moment.

    Side note, but from a Telegraph article, I confess this made me chuckle:

    Crooks tried out for his school’s rifle team but failed to make it because he was a “comically bad shot” and made jokes deemed inappropriate with firearms around, two former classmates told The New York Post.

    He missed his target by close to 20ft, Jameson Murphy said.

    “He tried out…and was such a comically bad shot he was unable to make the team and left after the first day,” he added.

  • Please permit me to vent for but a moment.

    Enough of this fucking grandstanding.

    If I have to hear one more time how this is a somber moment for the country and that this is a tragedy and both sides must make peace, my lord does that dodge the elephant in the room.

    I mean, Hello, McFly!? These fuckers are out there engaging in full-throated stochastic terrorist threats on a daily basis. These right-wingers are responsible for the VAST majority of political violence both in present day (that’s per the FBI and DOJ) and throughout our fucking history. ProPublica reports these right-wing extremist groups are actively trying to instigate a civil war.

    I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out that the blood of Sandy Hook and Uvalde children fall squarely on the same fuckers whose convention listed, “We Are All Domestic Terrorists.” All the trained shooters, security detail, preparedness couldn’t stop some dumbass from taking pot-shots at a President… And yet, these people try to argue that MoRE GuNz = Safer Society? Please.

    They can go fuck themselves. My concern stops beyond the bystander father who protected his family. Beyond that, I have no more tears to give. While I agree the fight needs won at the ballot, and that we should always use brains over bullets — I just cannot abide by hearing the incessant BoTh SiDeS bullshit as though Democrats are even remotely responsible for the heightened tensions in this. No. This is a response to blatantly clear fascism and a threat to our Democracy as we know it. Godwin himself said that it was okay to compare Trump to Hitler because it’s fucking accurate.

  • This is not good news.


    • Biden was TEN POINTS ahead of where he is now back in 2020.

    • Biden ASKED for this debate because he was already trailing in the polls and not where he needs to be. At best things remain the same, which is to say poor. At worst, they are worse.

    • 2020 was decided by 40,000 undecided low-info apathetic voters in 3 battleground states. If those people remain apathetic and polls remain this close, Biden will lose.

    • His own campaign staff is now reportedly saying they see no viable path to victory.

    Further key points raised in this poll/article:

    Nearly two-thirds of the more than 1,300 respondents said they believe Biden lacks the mental fitness to be president. That includes almost 4 in 10 Democrats.

    That said, politicians tend to be good political weathervanes, with their own high-quality polling, and several of the Democratic House members who have advocated for Biden to leave the race are from competitive swing districts.

    Third parties pull younger voters, Biden doing better with those most likely to vote

    When third parties are factored in, Trump and Biden are statistically tied, with Trump at 43% and Biden 42%.

  • Yeah certainly not kosher to diagnose remotely short of physically visiting with patient or reading their file; but I do suspect it can be pretty obvious for an expert to see whose symptoms are (a) largely on public display, and (b) said behaviors are pretty unique to Parkinson’s. But nevertheless, he’s the expert not me. Seems pretty obvious to me that Biden is certainly declining.

  • lennybird@lemmy.worldtopolitics @lemmy.worldBiden News Conference Megathread:
    4 days ago

    As someone who is in the camp of calling for Biden to step down, if he would’ve just done this during the debate, we wouldn’t have ever had a problem. Sure, he stumbled and mixed names up… Whatever. George W Bush did far worse, let alone Trump. But that debate performance? That looked closer to outright dementia, I’m sorry. And now in the back of everyone’s minds is when is the inevitable next time he does this? For he certainly isn’t getting any younger, and that sure as shit wasn’t a cold. Meanwhile the apathetic battleground swing-voters who will decide this election and hate both candidates just got the confirmation they needed to say, “both sides / they’re all the same.”

  • Well and honestly that’s pretty much how I do look at it. I’m just painfully aware though how easy it is to fall for something you want to be true, or to be coaxed into a false narrative. No differently than how some people are more impressionable and vulnerable at various points in their lives. So I’m trying to balance that versus trying to have an honest take on how it helped me.

    Dare I say, this is pretty much the problem with religious faith in my view — coming from a formerly religious family. Many will argue that if it isn’t rooted in truth but still helps you, then is it okay? That’s hard for me.