• 2 Posts
Joined 2 个月前
Cake day: 2024年7月9日

  • According to Taylor Swift’s post, Trump and his propagandists posting fake pictures of Swift implying she was endorsing him is one reason she went ahead and came out with this statement endorsing Harris now, to refute the fake stuff they are circulating. So their stupid plan massively backfired.

    Maybe Swift would have come out to endorse Harris at some point anyway, but doing it now gives people more time to get registered before the deadline.

    1. Polls haven’t been accurate for years and Silver takes and massages them to come up with his predictions. Always make sure you VOTE, no matter what any polls or pundits are saying.

    2. The Center Square is a conservative publication. Nate Silver currently works for Polymarket, an online betting company funded by Peter Thiel and crypto bros. So it’s to both of their advantages to paint a picture that looks better for Trump. Remember, those who want to get trump in power need magats to believe that trump will surely win and that if he doesn’t, it can only because the election was rigged by evil democrats. That way they give cover for corrupt red state election boards to refuse to certify their votes and red state legislatures to challenge results in the courts, force recounts and delays, certify and send invalid electors next January, and have a cohort of people ready and willing to fight or be violent if needed.

    3. Yes, the election is close, so make sure you VOTE no matter how optimistic or pessimistic you may feel about all this and no matter what state you live in, no matter whether it’s a red, blue, or swing state. The margins need to be as large as possible in every state and the popular vote margin also as huge as possible so there is no question of the will of the people.

  • She didn’t exactly “pledge” to appoint a Republican. The interviewer asked, “You had republicans speaking at the convention, will you appoint a republican to your cabinet?” and she answered, “Yes, I would.” then went on with what is quoted above. I took “would” as meaning she would consider it or that she probably would, but the media wants to turn it into a definite pledge that they can hold over her and criticize her if she doesn’t.

    But it’s no big deal to do. In the before times, it was common for a president to appoint members of the other party to a post or two. She can easily find at least one never trumper to put in one of the more routine positions who won’t be a problem and she can point to as fulfilling the “pledge”.

  • leadore@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldNot all ai is bad, just most of it
    17 天前

    Using it for plant identification is fine as long as it’s an AI designed/trained for plant ID (even then don’t use it to decide if you can eat it). Just don’t use an LLM for plant ID, or for anything else relating to actual reality. LLMs are only for generating plausible-sounding strings of text, not for facts or accurate info.

  • The thing is, whether Harris would win without your vote or not, you still have to vote for all the other offices too, so we can have a Dem majority in the House and Senate, and more Dems at your State level in the legislature, governor’s office, AG, election board, school board, etc. Those things are just as important as POTUS. Not to mention that even in states Harris winds up losing, the margins need to be made as small as possible to show how much support she really has in all states (very important for both parties to see this–it impacts what policies get implemented, what they think they can get away with), also for future funding allocation of candidates by the parties, etc.

    Bottom line is that voting is tremendously important to do, no matter what! Not voting just has too many negative consequences.

  • leadore@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlZen Z
    26 天前

    Minutes are the smaller time division with 60 possible values so that hand is longer to reach to the tick marks for easier reading of the exact minute.

    The hour hand only needs to distinguish between 12 possible values that are more spread out around the perimeter, so it doesn’t need to reach very far to tell which hour out of 12 it is.

  • leadore@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlZen Z
    26 天前

    OK let’s have a lesson for those who find this difficult. First, remember that little kids pick this up quickly and easily, so you can too!

    We all know there are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, and 24 hours in a day, right? and that the day is divided into the a.m. of 12 hours and the p.m. of 12 hours.

    So analog clocks show those 12 hours as the numbers 1-12 evenly spaced around the clock face. Now look a little closer and you see it’s also divided into 60 marks with a tick mark for each of the 60 seconds/minute or 60 minutes/hour. Hang on, we’re almost there!

    The little hand points to the HOUR number (1-12). If it’s in between two numbers, that means the time is in between those two hours.

    The big hand points to the MINUTE tick mark. Notice that the 1-12 numbers coincide with each 5th tick mark so it’s easy to count them. Just count by 5’s! So if the big hand is between the 3 and the 4, that means the minute of the hour is between 15 and 20, look at which tick mark for the exact minute.

    Now, can you figure out how the second hand works? Good! Kindergarten dismissed!


  • leadore@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlZen Z
    26 天前

    Nope, it still seems like most of the ones I see are analog, as in my library example. Probably most people ignore them and just check their phones for the time since they are constantly looking at them anyway.

  • leadore@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlZen Z
    26 天前

    Digital vs. analog watches that run on batteries are no more or less accurate because of how the time is displayed. I have a digital clock display on my battery-powered cordless phone (yes I also have a landline) that is constantly plugged into a power source and it loses a minute or two every day. Your computer and phone only keep displaying the correct time because they frequently update themselves from an online source.

  • leadore@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlZen Z
    26 天前

    Anyone who wants to understand how to read an analog clock can learn it in two minutes, it’s not like you need to be taught in school. edit to add: My brother recently told me that he was at the library and his friend’s teenage daughter looked at the analog clock and said indignantly “I can’t read that!” So apparently it is true that people aren’t learning simple skills like this.