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Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • That’s great! I have to alternate non-fiction with fiction to “cleanse my palette”, lol.

    I’d forgotten how they would put more emphasis on memorizing dates than on why the events were important. Yes, it’s definitely the school’s fault. :)

    I think there’s always been that teaching to school kids that “we’re the greatest and bestest country!” (gotta get that indoctrination well-embedded). When I was in school during the Cold war it was mostly about all the reasons why we were better than the Soviet Union (many of which either had unmentioned exceptions, or sadly no longer apply, especially post 9/11).

  • What “arguments”? This isn’t a debate. I’m not trying to convince anyone of a political view like you are. I’m debunking your misinformation with the fact that only the Congress can change the number of Supreme Court justices, through legislation, including links to sources–but anyone can simply read Article 3 Section 1 of the Constitution and the history of how Congress set up the courts to understand that this is the case.

    The fact that you keep insisting falsely that Biden could have done it himself shows that you have a political agenda. The fact that you aren’t from the US and keep repeating a false, divisive talking point in spite of it being disproven shows that you have a political agenda. We aren’t falling for it. Go back to twitter and FB where you’ll find more gullible marks to buy your propaganda.

  • I’m glad to hear you took it upon yourself to learn, kudos to you! And that you mention books, not (just) the internet as a source. Your library should have lots of great books on these subjects. I thought history was kind of boring in high school, but later I found out it’s really fascinating (was it me/my youth, or the school that made it seem boring? :D).

    One thing I definitely remember being drilled into us back then was that we must be constantly vigilant to protect our rights, or we’ll lose them. How true that turned out to be! We’re on the verge of losing so much right now. :(

  • I guess if our populace has become this damn stupid, then democracy can’t work here anymore. Democracy requires a certain minimum level of education and knowledge in the voting population. The number of comments I see online where people think the POTUS is some kind of emperor who just has to decree something and it happens (even in other countries!), and that Congress and SCOTUS have nothing to do with anything, is astounding.

    Do they not teach government and civics in schools any more? Not to mention history. The ignorance of history is a huge part of the problem as well, not knowing about anything that happened more than 10-20 years ago, let alone the past century or two.

  • Last time he had a bunch of “normal” (old style) republicans in his cabinet, and they stopped him from doing a lot of what he wanted to do. And of course the career civil servants in all the government agencies followed the law and that stymied a lot of his and his minions’ schemes–which they learned from. Now they know where the roadblocks to dictatorship are and have had 4 years to come up with plans like project 2025 and others.

    Next time, no one will even try to stop him. Everyone in the cabinet and appointed post will be loyal lackeys who will do whatever trump says. Career civil servants who don’t follow illegal or crazy orders will be fired and replaced with those who will. Even the Supreme Court now has the 3 extreme conservatives he appointed along with many many federal/district court judges who were drawn from a list compiled by the same people who authored the project 2025 plans.

    The next time ain’t gonna be like last time, folks.

  • Putin will sacrifice everyone and everything in Russia to try and achieve his fever dream of taking back Ukraine and the other post-Soviet states before he dies, and it just ain’t gonna happen. There is not the slightest possibility of it. The best he can hope for is to keep some portion of the Ukrainian territory that he already had before he started his idiotic enterprise, and he will have ruined Russia for generations in the process.

    Also, I would imagine that once Putin’s gone, whoever comes after him will cede the territory back to Ukraine because the West will demand that, if Russia wants to be allowed to rejoin the world economy. All that suffering was for nothing but Putin’s ego. That’s what dictators do, and why we have to stop them, not appease them.
    Ending my responses to you now.

  • Let’s see now, who started that war? Oh right it was Putin. No one else in the entire world (except maybe a few of Putin’s cronies) wanted that war, least of all the average person–including average Russian, who is suffering far more than average Americans because of it, since Americans are basically not suffering at all because of it and many pay no attention to it at all.

    You’re saying that since average people suffer from the wars started by dictators like Putin, that we should all just roll over and let them own the world. “Oh, just let Putin have Ukraine (and then inevitably) the other former SSRs, and if that goes well, maybe a little more here and a little more there, that way you won’t suffer so much, which is totally your own fault for resisting.” Fuck that shit, troll.

    Europe and NATO will not let that happen because it’s simply too big a threat to Europe. Putin is ruining a whole generation of Russians’ lives and futures along with Ukraine’s, just to satisfy his impossible fever dream of building an empire, and it will only destroy Russia in the process. You should be trying to help us stop him now if you want to prevent more suffering for the rest of the world.

    The money US sends to Ukraine is a drop in the bucket and has no effect on the life of the average American–there are far bigger factors that affect our economy and our lives than that pittance of the military budget, much of which we’d be spending anyway to replenish our inventory with up-to-date supplies. You know how our MIC works. It’s a machine far bigger than average Americans have influence over, so even if people buy your propaganda it means nothing to that machine. Our lives are affected much more by domestic policies. Your propaganda efforts fomenting social unrest have been much more successful in that area golf clap but it won’t help Russia survive what Putin is doing to it.